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Video: The Sage Goddess on Success and How to Grow Your Etsy Shop

Some sage advice from the Sage Goddess herself, Athena Perrakis on success and how to grow your Etsy shop.

I’m posting this here because A) it’s metaphysical related and B) I personally got a lot out of it. I’m definitely learning as I go with having this small business! I’m thankful that mystical women entrepreneurs are sharing their knowledge and expertise with us.

I also think that a lot of people who visit my website also want to start a business of their own or already have one. I believe this video will be helpful to you.

Entrepreneurship is huge right now; I don’t think there’s ever been a time where literally everyone owns a business of some sort. It’s quite fascinating to be alive in the 21st century, isn’t it?

Watch this video if you are someone who:

  1. Wants to have an online business with physical products
  2. Someone who wants to have a conscious business

I’ve also transcribed the 9 Keys to Success from the video:

I want to add that even though Athena is basing it off her own experience from having an actual store with products in it, the keys below still apply to those of us (myself included) who operate an online shop.

  1. Start with a demand.
    You cannot maintain success without a customer demand for your products or services.
  2. Understand and appreciate your audience.
    Figure out how they think so you can solve their problems and make them feel heard and appreciated.
  3. Establish the business.
    Figure out as much of the nuts and bolts of business as you can while still employed.
  4. Craft an authentic brand.
    You won’t be able to maintain your marketing efforts and grow your online community if the brand is inauthentic.
  5. Listen to your intuition.
    Quiet your mind. Block out fears, doubts, deadlines, competitors, experts, etc. so you can hear your inner voice.
  6. Build a strong team.
    Find the right employees, make them feel valued and set their expectations about how you operate up front.
  7. Don’t forget about self care.
    Don’t build your vision at the expense of yourself.
  8. Find a way to stay present.
    Make sure you enjoy the journey itself. Don’t miss the meaningful moments along the way.
  9. Stay grateful.
    Develop a simple daily gratitude practice.

Wasn’t that wonderful? The 9 keys are simple yet very impactful.

Yet I know what you’re thinking. You’re probably wondering: well why didn’t she talk about money at all, I mean isn’t that the number one objective in having a business?

I say watch the video again because you may have missed some of the important things she says, like taking risks.

Taking risks is different for everybody. For Athena, she had to make sure that her family was taken care of before she left her corporate job.

I’m in that same exact boat right now. Yes, I’m pursuing my dream. But having a business is a risk and as much as I want this to be my fulltime thing right now, I still have to think about who and what I am responsible. I have bills to pay and a cat to feed AND I live in Los Angeles; it can get expensive.

And so while I build up this business, I still have my fulltime job.


I believe that if you follow these 9 keys, the money will come. But you also have to be patient and be willing to stick it out.

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Learning the Ancient Art of Crystal Healing

I wasn’t sure where to post this for a few reasons:

  1. It’s personal
  2. This is a crystal shop blog
  3. I actually have a few websites

But at the same time, I wanted to post it here because:

  1. It is about crystals
  2. It’s also about crystal healing, which is tied to the use of crystals and stones
  3. Maybe you want to learn it too and so I figured I would share my learning experience here.😊
  4. I promised myself that I would blog here once a week.

Some of the possible reasons why you’re wanting to learn crystal healing or crystal therapy:

  1. You have a strong desire to know and heal yourself.
  2. You want to expand and deepen your knowledge of crystals and stones.
  3. You want to understand how crystals can actually heal the mind, body and spirit.
  4. You want to be in greater service to yourself and others.

I wanted to learn crystal healing for some time now, but didn’t know where to go.

There are a few reputable places to learn online and you’ve probably heard of them – Hibiscus Moon, Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy, Krista Mitchell and more that I can’t think of at the moment.

There’s also a very informative book series on the subject that I think a lot of the online schools I mentioned above use to teach crystal healing to students. I also reference it a lot throughout Metaphysical Vibes shop website, it’s called Crystal Healing Volumes 1-3 by Katrina Raphaell – I’ve added a link to the first book. Katrina really goes in depth with each of her books and I have so much love, gratitude and respect for all the knowledge that she shared.

Ultimately, as much as these online courses offered lots of useful information and flexibility – I just wasn’t sure if I could commit to it fully.

The thing with online courses is (they’re great, don’t get me wrong) – sometimes the information doesn’t stick, at least for me.

Also because it’s so convenient, I mean you’re learning online and from home – distraction and laziness ensues. Go figure!

But if I commit to getting up every weekend; showering, dressing up, driving and attending an actual class, learning from an actual person and partnering up with different people in your class, then the information sinks in a lot more.

So I decided it would be best to learn in person and went with the highly venerated Rev. Patricia Bankins who just so happened to be offering her 8 week course on Trans Crystal Therapy. She is the founder and owner of The Crystal Matrix here in Los Angeles, CA.

Update 6/12/18: I completed the 8 week course and my final on June 9th, 2018. I am officially a Certified Trans Crystal Therapist

To tell you the truth, I really don’t know what compelled me to start learning all of this.

The only thing I can really think of is that I needed to heal parts of myself so I can be better qualified to assist others with their own healing, even though I really don’t consider myself a ‘healer’. You can read more about it here on my personal blog.

Also, when I started Metaphysical Vibes – my initial goal was to have an online crystal shop, make money and hopefully quit my fulltime job. Needless to say, the crystals wanted me to experience something beyond those superficial desires.

I have learned so much about the chakras and the corresponding crystals or stones, sensing and feeling the aura, acupressure points, meridians and so much more. I even witnessed a girl in my class experience an intense emotional release through it.

I’m pretty certain that the crystals lead me to this point so I could be in service to others on a deeper level.

I have so many teachers to thank really, but I will save it for another blog post.💖

So we’ll see where this goes!

If you are in Los Angeles and want to learn Trans Crystal Therapy; I believe Patricia offers TCT Level 1 & 2 once a year. Visit The Crystal Matrix for more information.


In short, if you want to learn crystal healing or crystal therapy, you’ll have to decide how you want to learn. Trust that you’ll pick whatever is right for you.😊

Taking an online course is definitely easier as it gives direct access to those who may not have access to these courses in their local area.

But if you would rather learn in person like I did, then start searching for a local teacher. You can also read books on the subject, and you can also ask someone who is a crystal healer or crystal therapist how they learned.

Update September 19, 2018:

This blog post was published on May 11, 2018. I have created a separate website for my Reiki / Crystal Healing / Crystal Therapy practice. If you are in the Los Angeles area and would like a session, please visit Crystal Healer LA.



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Buy What You Love, Even If It Is Expensive.

This might be an odd topic to write about on here, but I feel that it needs to be addressed.

When you have a business, often times you will be criticized for being too pricy or expensive. Even a small business like myself has already gotten a couple of comments about it. This becomes normal as you expose yourself to the public more and more; they’ll be sure to leave comments on Facebook, Instagram, Yelp, etc. And that’s totally fine; everyone has a right to express their thoughts…it is the internet after all.

I suppose I could talk about all the expenses that I’ve accumulated to have this business up and running (especially here in California), but that’s probably boring and irrelevant to you so I won’t. Besides, I chose to have those expenses and I am confident that it will be worth it in the long run.

I’ll definitely offer a sale or discount here and there but I won’t lower my prices consistently just because someone is telling me that I’m pricy or expensive. To each their own and setting boundaries on what you will or will not do to make a sale is important.

When I buy crystals from other people (and I do)…if I really want it, I buy it regardless of price. I don’t shame the seller into making them feel that their price is too high, I understand completely that they have to make a profit too. We ALL have to make a profit. I mean, that’s the WHOLE point of having a business right? Doing what we love AND making a profit from it; otherwise what’s the point of being in business if we’re not going to thrive? It’s too much energy and effort.

Amazon and Walmart are able to sell stuff for cheap because they are mega giants and are in a capitalist/competitive mindset. Small businesses are not, at least not me.

So this is me just putting it out there to anyone who happens to be reading this:

Buy what you love, even if it is expensive. Would you value it just as much if you bought it for cheap?

Don’t get me wrong; I also look for lower priced crystals and stones on occasion. But it also largely depends on its energy.

I’m reading a book about creating money and one of the concepts it talks about is this:

If you spend money without joy or love, out of obligation, resentment or worry, or with a feeling that you cannot afford what you buy, it will keep you out of the abundant flow of money.

If you buy things that you truly want with joy, your abundance will open up even more; it sends a message to your subconscious that you are deserving of such things.

I hope this gives you, the reader, some perspective.

And no, I’m not trying to convince you to buy crystals from me (although, I’d love it if you do and only if you see a crystal or stone that vibes with your personal energy).⚡

I’m also not saying that you should always buy expensive things and go into debt; rather, treat yourself every now and then to something that you really want, regardless of the price. If you know it will make you happy then go for it.

I chose to post a photo of this stunning Pyrite mineral since the day I wrote this is Thursday, day of the planet Jupiter; a planet associated with expansion. This Pyrite has sold.

Also here is a link to the book I’m currently reading – Creating Money: Attracting Abundance by Sanaya Roman

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Self Love Healing with Affirmations and Rose Quartz💎💗💎💗

S E L F  L O V E💗

Everyone is talking about it, including myself.

But what is it?

S E L F  L O V E  is…

Becoming loving towards yourself.

S E L F  L O V E  is…

Speaking to yourself in the most loving and kind way.

Treating yourself like you would your best friend.

Forgiving yourself for past mistakes.

Actively listening to your own wants and needs.

I could keep going but I think you get my drift.

Why is self love important?

Self love is important because it can directly affect our health. If you’re into metaphysical topics, most books and teachers on the subject say this:

dis-ease manifests in our body before we even feel it; it starts in the invisible parts of ourselves (the etheric body and our aura) which is directly related to our thoughts and emotions.

I realize that the statement above probably sounds really vague, abstract and kind of ‘out there’. Believe me when I say that these concepts were foreign to me at some point too, but if it interests you enough then the information will start to sink in.😊

Know that you are not just your physical body – you also have an emotional, mental and spiritual body; four bodies total.

Now if you REALLY want to get technical, we actually have more than 4 bodies and more than 7 chakras. I will stick to the topic and save that for another blog post.

So it is important to begin to think loving thoughts about ourselves, it’s important to drop the negativity and the self hate. When have you ever felt good and happy about saying bad things about yourself?

If it doesn’t feel good, then why continue?

I used to be in the same boat as you; I was always quick to call myself stupid, an idiot or a dumbass. I wasn’t kind to myself and I was especially harsh about my looks. I often thought I was fat and ugly.

After awhile, you notice that you just don’t feel good about yourself and the pattern of negativity keeps on repeating. You keep having the same experiences that seem to suck or drain your energy dry, like stressful relationships with people where nothing ever goes smoothly or just being constantly overworked at your job.

And so you resulted in eating bad food or drinking and doing drugs. Or doing things that push those negative feelings down or numb the pain.

And then it just keeps on happening over and over again and you can’t get out.

Perhaps you’re stuck in a similar kind of pattern in life that keeps on repeating that you’d like to get out of.

What are these patterns that I’m talking about? Patterns come in the form of negative thoughts, feelings, behaviors, actions.

I never considered myself super feminine or girly so I was not attracted to Rose Quartz for a long time. One of the books that really changed my life though is a book by Louise Hay called You Can Heal Your Life. The affirmations in that book were simple and really helped me to reprogram my brain to think better thoughts about myself.

What does self love have to do with Rose Quartz?

A whole lot actually, being that Rose Quartz IS only the most popular stone for healing our hearts and learning to love ourselves. No matter what gender you are, if you are ready to let love back in, you will be attracted to Rose Quartz.💗🌹💗

You can start by just simply getting some Rose Quartz in raw or polished form (spheres, pyramids, self-standing towers, whatever your preference) and start putting it in your bedroom. In some ways, you don’t really have to do anything because just by you intending to get the stone and wanting to place it in your home, the healing has already begun. Crystals and stones are intelligent in that way and Rose Quartz immediately starts to do its gentle yet powerful work without you realizing it.🌸

Suggestion: combine Rose Quartz with an affirmation.

Hold your Rose Quartz to your heart, close your eyes and begin breathing in and out for a few minutes. You can think about what it is you’d like to let go of or just breathe. Whatever you choose, know that Rose Quartz is already healing you.

You can say “I am a loving and beautiful person”

or you can say your name and then say “I love and accept you as you are”.

In Louise Hay’s book, she suggests that we do this in front of a mirror. For me, it was kind of hard to look at myself and say “I love and accept you as you are” but if you keep practicing you will eventually dissolve those blocks of discomfort.


When we are actively working with Rose Quartz and using affirmations on a regular basis, we can learn to undo the negative thought patterns that tend to occupy the mind which lead to physical manifestation that is often not good for us.

As the late Louise Hay says – YOU can heal your life.

We have some Rose Quartz – hearts and palm stones for sale at the shop

Question: I am a man, identify as a male or have masculine qualities so I’m not attracted to Rose Quartz or anything pink at all. Are there other stones I can work with?

Yes! In the Chakra system, the heart center is actually associated with the color green. You can work with any green stone – Green Adventurine, Green Apophyllite, Nephrite Jade, Peridot and Serpentine are a few examples. You can also work with a Quartz crystal, as it is known as a Master crystal that is used for all purposes.

As a matter of fact, you can work with any crystal or stone that personally represents love to you. Rose Quartz is just a starting point but it doesn’t have to be.

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Experience Crystal and Stone Magic!✨🌏💎🌋🗿

In my AdWords ad on Google, I have a short tagline to get people to visit the website and either browse or buy crystals. It says:

Selling crystals & stones – Earth’s treasures for healing, growth & evolution.

So I wanted to write a blog post breaking down the words I used.

First off, I’m not a crystal expert or a crystal healer – but I really like crystals and love talking about them.

First things first – what is the belief that we’re talking about here?

It’s the belief that crystals and stones can assist us with healing, growth and evolution.

Well, what is “healing” exactly?

Healing comes from the word “heal” which means (copied & pasted from

1. to make healthy, whole, or sound; restore to health; free from ailment.

2. to bring to an end or conclusion, as conflicts between people or groups,
usually with the strong implication of restoring former amity; settle; reconcile:
They tried to heal the rift between them but were unsuccessful.

3. to free from evil; cleanse; purify: to heal the soul.

To “heal the soul” – I really like that last definition.

What is growth?

1. the act or process, or a manner of growing; development; gradual increase.

2. size or stage of development: It hasn’t yet reached its full growth.

3. completed development.

What is evolution?

1. any process of formation or growth; development:
the evolution of a language; the evolution of the airplane.

2. a product of such development; something evolved:
The exploration of space is the evolution of decades of research.

3. Biology. change in the gene pool of a population from generation to generation
by such processes as mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift.

So if you combine all three, that is what my tagline conveys – that crystals and stones can assist us with healing, growth and evolution.

What are we healing from exactly?

Healing is not just a process that happens on the physical level; because if you think about it we actually have 4 bodies – the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body. There’s all kinds of things that we experience from the time we are born (or maybe even from a past life if you believe in reincarnation) that we need to heal from.

The physical actions can be used as metaphors for reasons to heal: you got punched in the stomach, somebody cut you, beat you up, threw hot water, slapped you, etc. The list goes on and on and can be easily applied to emotional, mental & spiritual reasons as well. For example: a breakup with someone can often times feel like getting punched in the stomach, literally; does it not?

You can heal from a deep rooted belief or a traumatic experience; things that block you from living your full potential, things that are keeping you stuck in your life. We all have these blocks.

You might not even recognize that you are in need of healing (yet), but are somehow drawn to crystals and stones without really knowing why. That is the crystals calling to you in the most subtle way! I used to be so puzzled when metaphysical people would say things like “the crystal chooses you” or something similar. Now I know exactly what they mean; it sounds kinda crazy actually but I think they DO choose us!

Let’s not assume that we are the only living things on this big, beautiful earth. Just because they don’t move, doesn’t mean they don’t have a consciousness existing within them.

Growth and Evolution are self-explanatory I think; we all want to grow and evolve our ways of experiencing our world. Crystals and stones are perfect examples of growth and evolution – they’ve been growing and evolving for a long time!

Here’s a great article that explains it better than I ever could: Stone People – Mother Earth’s Record Holders and a quote from that article:

The Stone People put themselves in the paths of those who they want to notice them. People who notice them and pick them up feel their special energy. Stone People tell their holders about their gifts. They bring their own lessons to the lives of those who hold them.

Also another great excerpt; this one is from Carolyn Elliott of when talking about getting great at divination:

In our scientific materialist culture, we’re taught to regard the world around us as filled with inanimate, soulless objects – even living plants and animals, we’re taught, shouldn’t be seen as having “real” intention and intelligence.

What if the opposite were true?

What if we’re not surrounded by objects – but by other subjects with wills and intelligences of their own? What if even the stones and the stars were kinds of “people”?

Would those people be utterly indifferent to us, or would they speak to us – recognizing our interrelationship in a manner that we ourselves often tune out?

Noticed how she said “even the stones”? Or how Native Americans often refer to the stones as Stone People?

It’s a beautiful idea one worthy of deep contemplation for sure. It’s a metaphysical world and magic(k) is everywhere! All you have to do is tune in.✨

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WTF Does It Really Mean to Live A High Vibe Life?

This is a spontaneous blog post that I felt compelled to write today.

As I was taking photos and listing crystals on the website, getting up every so often, doing laundry and giving belly rubs to my cat…my spirits felt high, and I had just made another sale. I felt happy and grateful, to the point where I felt as if I was on cloud 9. My dreams are coming true and I am living my best life. Everything is perfect.

So I just wanted to write this today for those who might be wondering:

WTF does it really mean to live a high vibe life?

I am writing this from my perspective so it might be a little bit sloppy and imperfect. Bare with me here.

The term “high vibe” is a popular term being used a lot these days, to the point where it’s actually sickening to hear it over and over again (as least for me anyway)! That and “good vibes only”. You see all these happy, good looking, fit people on Instagram posting the most perfect photos of themselves in front of an ocean or something, doing some kind of yoga pose…

I will tell you right now that THAT is not me. I’m pretty sure that if you’re reading this – that’s probably not who you are either.

But that doesn’t mean you’re not living your best and high vibrational life. And no offense to the people who do yoga in front of the ocean, it’s just not my style.😉

What I’m trying to say is that your “high vibe” life may look different to others. Your high vibe life is really based on how you feel, what you think and how you see life. In simple terms: whatever truly makes you happy.

Here are some hints that you are living a high vibe life:

(I want to mention again that these are not absolutes, I am just trying to write more from my own point of view)

+ You feel and know intuitively that you are balanced in all your bodies: emotional, physical, mental and spiritual. How do you know that you are balanced? It’s not like we can see our auras. But you don’t have to see your aura to know you’re balanced; if you are balanced: you don’t feel like you’re holding onto anything in your bodies, you are in tune with it and know how to release something that doesn’t feel good (like a feeling of tension).

+ You have integrated your shadow self. A lot of people also talk about their shadow a lot these days. Everyone has one. The shadow is the dark aspects of us, the parts of us that we repress and don’t want others to see. If you’re living a high vibe life, you acknowledge that your shadow is a part of you and you don’t try to hide it from others. You are simultaneously dark and light just like the yin & yang symbol.

+ You no longer feel the need to criticize, be overly opinionated or talk shit about others (including yourself). You stay neutral and mind your own business.

+ You actively work towards your goals instead of complaining that you can’t or it’s too hard to do certain things.

+ You attract more and more good and positive people and situations to you, and you don’t have to try so hard for it to happen.

+ You wake up with gratitude for all that you already have.

There’s a whole lot more to list but these are just the first few that came to mind.

Living a high vibe life doesn’t necessarily mean everything’s going to be peachy and perfect from here on out. But I can guarantee you that it can get a whole lot easier, and it all starts with us.

So how do I shift in order to experience a high vibe life?

I am going to see Blade Runner 2049 today and will return to add more to this. Or I will write another blog post. We shall see!

Actually, here’s a perfect article to read on raising your vibration: 5 Ways to Raise Your Vibration Right Now

Pictured above are crystals from my personal collection: a XL Angel Aura Smokey Quartz, an Angel Aura Skull and a Smoky Amethyst. My high vibe life pretty much looks just like how I described in the first paragraph – surrounded by crystals and stones, being in my house with my cat and husband working on the crystal business. It sounds super simple and probably even boring to some but that to me is my vision of a high vibe life.

So what does your high vibe life look like?



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An Excerpt Regarding Quartz Crystals from Vibrational Medicine by Richard Gerber, M.D.

So I have to admit – I’ve not read this book in its entirety. I kind of have a hard time finishing books but I do revisit when I am in the mood and when time permits; I find that I like to read when I’m procrastinating.😝 This book in particular has all the subjects that I’m into, but also hard to read in that it’s definitely NOT light reading; it was written by a physician exploring alternative therapies. Each chapter goes really in depth and has lots of long sounding words.

One of the really great benefits about having started up this crystal shop is that while I am selling crystals and stones, I also get to learn and educate myself more about them as well as the ancient art of crystal healing – which is experiencing a resurgence. This stuff excites me and I love reading about it.

So with my Smokey Quartz keeping the book flat for the photo, here is an excerpt that I read from the book Vibrational Medicine Chapter IX: Crystals & the Human Subtle Energetic System: The Rediscovery of an Ancient Healing Art

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Do Crystals Really Work?

Most if not all humans are skeptics, I am certainly one of them. Religion and other people’s rules and ideas have been forced unto us for so long that you don’t realize you have built up a wall; a wall that is programmed to only believe in what’s been taught, what supposedly is real.

So the question I often see come up is: do crystals really work?

My answer to this is: it all depends on your personal beliefs. Do YOU believe that crystals work? Sure, I COULD regurgitate internet & book based facts about Quartz crystals being piezoelectric and pyroelectric; being used in watches, computers and other technologies. I could tell you “sure, they work!” But would you believe me?

Because it’s not medically proven that crystals work, most online articles refer to it as the placebo effect. Yet a lot of people are really into them right now and have been into them in the past. Why?

I am not here to convince you that crystals work somehow, I think anyone who is curious enough can do an experiment for themselves. Life is an experiment in itself so there is no right or wrong. Is it so far fetched to think that energy from crystals and stones doesn’t affect us? How about inanimate objects like books or toys, don’t they affect us in some way; doesn’t a toy or a stuffed animal bring instant joy to a child? Don’t books increase our knowledge of a subject or take us into another world? I believe it is the same with crystals, except crystals are as natural as it gets; Mother Earth’s ultimate gift to us.

Even though there are plenty of books, tutorials and everyone sharing knowledge about their experience with crystals, you have to learn to trust your own experiences too and know that they are just as valid and real.✨

Sit with a crystal or stone for a few minutes while turning off all distractions and close your eyes while holding the crystal. Relax and breathe deeper to get into that quiet space with the crystal. What do you feel, or sense? It is recommended that you turn off all distractions because you might miss the subtle messages you’ll receive from the crystal. And they are VERY subtle.

Maybe you won’t feel anything at all, or maybe it was just your imagination. Or maybe you can’t even still your mind at this point. Or maybe you will actually feel something.

Whatever you got out of it, trust it. Or try again a few more times. Not everyone connects with a crystal the first time. It takes practice and being patient with yourself.

For me personally, crystals and stones DO work. Not all of them, but you will attune to the ones that are meant to be with you. You will find yourself attracted to their color and light; the color or stone you choose is most likely the one you need to work with to heal some kind of issue you might be currently having or to activate something within. It is similar to color therapy; humans are naturally attracted to color and light and it just so happens that crystals and stones emit that frequency.

Remember, there is a consciousness that exists within every crystal and stone; you might not understand it but it exists. Why do people talk to their plants or hug trees or marvel at a gigantic rock? What energy do you pick up from it?🗿

The crystal knows what you need and will assist you in discovering the answers you seek.

Here is a great article that explains it: How Do Crystals Work?

Visit Metaphysical Vibes to shop for crystals & stones.

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Subscribe to Receive Emails from Metaphysical Vibes✨

Being a new business and all, I’m not quite sure what these emails are going to say besides announcing what’s in the store. Everyone says email lists are the way to go these days in the business and marketing world so I’m just putting it out here for those who might be interested. I thought of putting a popup on the front page but then I thought that might be annoying for you, as it is for me when I visit a website and a popup comes up. No thanks!😑

The truth is, I actually consider myself to be somewhat of an introvert and so I think that’s why I love crystals and stones so much; they’re quiet yet still have a presence (just like me) and their powers and gifts can be detected the more you spend time with them.

I have always been more of a listener than a talker, but if you subscribe to my emails then I’ll be sure to say something worthwhile (I hope)!🗿🖤🗿

✨Click to Subscribe✨

The bright and colorful summer themed Aura Crystal grid above consists of

Only the Royal Purple Aura DT’s are available for purchase at Metaphysical Vibes!