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Energy Work and the Crystal Beach of Metaphysical Delights

In my mind’s eye, I am on a beach with the full moon shining down on me and my beautiful crystal friends. The moon is luminous, shining so bright that it’s giving the night sky a dark purple hue. The air is warm and salty from the ocean; the sound of the waves are so relaxing. I’d like to stay here forever.

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged on here. Blogging on a regular schedule is still challenging as I struggle with what to write about, but at the same time I’m not going to beat myself up over it.

Instead, I created this collage in Photoshop when I had some down time recently. I used photos of crystals I’ve sold in the past, but also a couple of these are still available at the shop – the Quartz crystal and one of the Ammonites.

I want more money, magic and creativity in my life, as well as health, wealth and love. Basically more of what I already have. The beach in my collage represents the vast and infinite space where everything I want comes to me.

I’m sure you have things that you want for yourself too? What are they?

And how do you even get started, how does one get what they want?

You have to start doing energy work.

What is energy work? Energy work is the process of imagining, visualizing, meditating and calling in what you want before it actually materializes. I think subconsciously, we are all doing energy work all the time already! Whether you’re daydreaming about someone or something you want, or thinking about what you have to do next on your to do list – you are already creating it on an energetic level.

And while there are people who do energy work professionally, that doesn’t mean that you don’t have access to this same universal energy that healing professionals pull from.

If you have prayed for something and you got it, then that too is energy work although most people call it ‘praying’.

We all have access to it and that’s why I highly suggest you develop your spiritual practice. They call it a spiritual practice for a reason – you’re learning and practicing as you go – it’s a never ending process. Your spiritual practice will be unique to you and can incorporate the things that you personally love, like crystals and minerals.

As some of you know, I still have a fulltime job. I would love for this crystal shop to sustain me fulltime, but that hasn’t happened yet. But somehow, I’ve figured out a way to incorporate what I love into what I do for money.

So if you have a spiritual practice in place, I can say from personal experience that you will become even more than what you are now. You will transform, expand and transcend. Your creativity will reach new levels and you will discover that it was in you all along. You had to experience the pain, sadness and sorrow to release it and experience life from a more expanded and beautiful state.

The key to successful energy work is asking for what you want, but also remaining open to how you receive it.

We all want something. But while we want that thing, we also have to practice non attachment to that thing and allowing the universe to give you what you asked for in a multitude of ways. The universe is a creative force, do not attempt to limit it.

Another component to energy work: feeling the feelings of getting what you want.

How does it feel to receive what you asked for – do you feel love, joy, gratitude, happiness? Experience those feelings while creating what you want energetically so the universe knows it’s what you truly desire.


Energy work is real. Try it out and stay open to the possibilities. Choose whatever crystal or stone you are called to work with – it might be one or a few, it might even change over time but, let it draw out the magic in you!

I wholeheartedly believe we are all here for a reason. We live and die over and over again, not always remembering that we’ve been here before. We are here to grow, evolve and recognize we are creative and infinite beings!

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Trippy Spacerock Psychedelic Music Video with Crystals!✨🛸👽🛸✨

For some reason, anything trippy and creative that happens to includes crystals makes my soul happy.

What’s even better is that there’s an instrumental that goes really well with all the trippy, crystalline, out of this world visuals.👽

The instrumental is titled “Mexicola” by All India Radio; he posted it on his Sci Fi Art Instagram, which I also love.

The video was created by Helena Papageorgiou of Second Variety

I’m obsessed and could listen to this over and over. I literally sit behind the computer for 8 hours a day creating stuff and this gets me in the zone. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.😍

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Do You Need Crystals & Stones To Live Your Best Life?

Do you need crystals & stones to live your best life?

My answer: No.

However, we ALL need support. Just like we have friends and teachers who want to see us be happy and successful beings, our generous earth wants the same – just on a larger scale.

So once you get into crystals, your love will definitely expand. Not just for yourself, but for all beings. You will gain a new appreciation for the world you live in, and so much more.



You don’t have to have all the crystals either, just the ones you vibe with. And of course, this can change over time.

Again, crystals and stones are there for energetic support. They are not there to replace medical advice and treatment. Please use common sense and seek professional help if you feel that something is really wrong.

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Metaphysical Vibes’ Crystal Muse: Angel Aura Quartz✨✨✨

I have to admit – I have a hard time writing on here. I really want to write more but I’m much more comfortable writing my thoughts over at my art and personal blog: Save the Savages.

But I’ve also read a lot of articles on marketing your business online and a lot of them say that if you’re feeling stuck with handling different aspects of your business – start with what you’re good at.

And so what am I good at? I consider myself pretty good with creating graphics and visual content so that’s exactly what I did with the animated gif below.

I told myself that I would blog for Metaphysical Vibes today, even though I don’t know what to say as I still don’t think I’m a crystal expert at all nor will I ever be. But I don’t want to wait until I’m an expert because by then, I might already be dead!💀

We have to try to do things now even if you or I feel that we’re not super good at it. What really counts is that you’re passionate about it, as there is never a perfect time to start anything.

As the popular saying goes – it’s time to get out of your comfort zone.

I will say one thing though: Angel Aura Quartz has a special place in my heart. I didn’t think I would love this metal-coated crystal, but it seems as if it has become my personal and business muse; very much like a beautiful friend that inspires and uplifts you.

And so I found myself creating this gif today because I wanted to add original content on this blog.

When I think of Angel Aura Quartz I think of beauty, inner peace, upliftment and inspiration from the higher realms, a truly positive and high vibration crystal. Perfect that Quartz is able to bond to such a treatment because they seem to truly go together, as Quartz amplifies those beautiful and positive thoughts.✨

The Angel Aura Quartz featured in this post has sold.

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Finding the Perfect Crystal or Stone is a Personal Experience

Let’s take a look at this word:



1. direct perception of truth, fact, etc., independent of any reasoning process; immediate apprehension.

2. a fact, truth, etc., perceived in this way.

3. a keen and quick insight.

4. the quality or ability of having such direct perception or quick insight.

What does the word ‘intution’ have to do with crystals?

A WHOLE lot, actually…more like EVERYTHING.

You see, people (myself included) are on the internet searching for something – they’re searching for answers to their questions like:

How do I cleanse, clear and charge my crystals

Which crystal should I buy

Which crystal or stone will takeaway my anxiety, depression, etc.

and so on and so on

It’s okay to search for answers to questions (I do it all the time), read books or follow your favorite thought leaders on social media, but at some point you also have to learn to trust your own feelings. Listen to your inner voice.

Why is it important to trust your feelings? Because feelings express YOUR truth.

Have you ever felt weird about something or someone but ignored it anyway and then something involving that same exact person or situation went completely wrong because you didn’t trust your initial feelings of weirdness?

Have you ever listened to music or saw something that just made you feel good?

I’m writing this blog post right now and it may or may not resonate with you. You may not agree with what I’m writing here and that’s okay!

It’s also important to trust your own inner compass because there’s lots of false gurus out there.

There’s also a lot of recycled, hackneyed quotes regarding crystals, entrepreneurship, self-help, spirituality and literally every topic imaginable.

There’s a lot of everything and it can easily get overwhelming.

So it is the exact same way with crystals and stones – there’s A LOT to choose from and it can start to feel overwhelming.

But the best part of choosing crystals?

Not all of them are going to vibe with you, not all of them are going to scream “pick me, pick me!” all at once.

Each crystal and stone is unique and one of a kind, no two are alike. It will be a completely subjective and personal experience and I guarantee you will be delighted.

If a crystal is calling you, you probably won’t be able to leave the store without buying it. Or maybe you left and you’re still thinking about that particular crystal. Safe to say that it was probably meant for you.

Whether you like shopping online or going to your local metaphysical store, go and have fun searching for that crystal or stone that’s calling you!😊


So I had originally used the word ‘subjective’ for this blog post before switching it to ‘intution’. This one works too if you’re not quite sure how intuition is supposed to work when choosing crystals:



1. existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought (opposed to objective).

2. pertaining to or characteristic of an individual; personal; individual:
a subjective evaluation.

3. placing excessive emphasis on one’s own moods, attitudes, opinions, etc.; unduly egocentric.

4. Philosophy. relating to or of the nature of an object as it is known in the mind as distinct from a thing in itself.

5. relating to properties or specific conditions of the mind as distinguished from general or universal experience.


You don’t always have to rely on internet search to find the perfect crystal or stone for you.

Trust yourself to make that decision, trust your intution.

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How Can We Experience “Heaven on Earth”?

I’ve been seeing the phrase “heaven on earth” a lot more lately; I didn’t know what it fully meant until I started delving into meditation and working with crystals.

When I think of heaven, I immediately think of how the movies portray heaven to be like: puffy white clouds, a golden gate, everyone is wearing white…

Sounds kinda boring actually.

But how many of us really know what heaven is supposed to look like anyway? So in the meantime, let’s imagine the next best thing…

or better yet, let’s live it!


heaven on earth


To me, heaven on earth means to be present. To live in this now moment and appreciate it to the fullest. Once we decide to be present, we start to notice little things that perhaps we’ve never really noticed before and it takes on an extra, almost unexplainable dimension.

It becomes magical.

Depending on how you perceive life, this can be easy or difficult.

Here are some simple suggestions on ways to experience heaven on earth; I believe that each of us is probably already doing this one way or another – the only difference is that you are fully present, aware & conscious of doing these things:

Waking up, paying attention to your breath and saying ‘thank you’. How often do we really pay attention to the simple act of breathing? If we didn’t breathe, we wouldn’t be alive.

Wake up early and witness the sun rising, or go to the beach and witness the sun setting and see how amazing the sky looks during. The colors of the sky are simply breathtaking during those two daily, natural events.

Hanging out with crystals; I find that by going to a local metaphysical store that has lots of beautiful crystals can literally feel like heaven on earth! It’s hard to be in a bad mood when you’re surrounded by crystals.

Find enjoyment and pleasure in whatever you are doing – especially the mundane, day-to-day stuff; whether you’re driving, washing dishes or working at your computer.

Surround yourself with the things that you love and find to be beautiful. My home is filled with art, books, crystals and stones. A vase full of flowers.

Looking up at the night sky and appreciating the moon, planets and the stars.

Meditating in silence.

Learning something new.


Listening to your favorite song AND dancing.

Actively thinking positive thoughts and looking for ways to feel good without the need to use drugs.

The list can go on and on, really.

What are some of the ways you have personally experienced heaven on earth?

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Experience Crystal and Stone Magic!✨🌏💎🌋🗿

In my AdWords ad on Google, I have a short tagline to get people to visit the website and either browse or buy crystals. It says:

Selling crystals & stones – Earth’s treasures for healing, growth & evolution.

So I wanted to write a blog post breaking down the words I used.

First off, I’m not a crystal expert or a crystal healer – but I really like crystals and love talking about them.

First things first – what is the belief that we’re talking about here?

It’s the belief that crystals and stones can assist us with healing, growth and evolution.

Well, what is “healing” exactly?

Healing comes from the word “heal” which means (copied & pasted from

1. to make healthy, whole, or sound; restore to health; free from ailment.

2. to bring to an end or conclusion, as conflicts between people or groups,
usually with the strong implication of restoring former amity; settle; reconcile:
They tried to heal the rift between them but were unsuccessful.

3. to free from evil; cleanse; purify: to heal the soul.

To “heal the soul” – I really like that last definition.

What is growth?

1. the act or process, or a manner of growing; development; gradual increase.

2. size or stage of development: It hasn’t yet reached its full growth.

3. completed development.

What is evolution?

1. any process of formation or growth; development:
the evolution of a language; the evolution of the airplane.

2. a product of such development; something evolved:
The exploration of space is the evolution of decades of research.

3. Biology. change in the gene pool of a population from generation to generation
by such processes as mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift.

So if you combine all three, that is what my tagline conveys – that crystals and stones can assist us with healing, growth and evolution.

What are we healing from exactly?

Healing is not just a process that happens on the physical level; because if you think about it we actually have 4 bodies – the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body. There’s all kinds of things that we experience from the time we are born (or maybe even from a past life if you believe in reincarnation) that we need to heal from.

The physical actions can be used as metaphors for reasons to heal: you got punched in the stomach, somebody cut you, beat you up, threw hot water, slapped you, etc. The list goes on and on and can be easily applied to emotional, mental & spiritual reasons as well. For example: a breakup with someone can often times feel like getting punched in the stomach, literally; does it not?

You can heal from a deep rooted belief or a traumatic experience; things that block you from living your full potential, things that are keeping you stuck in your life. We all have these blocks.

You might not even recognize that you are in need of healing (yet), but are somehow drawn to crystals and stones without really knowing why. That is the crystals calling to you in the most subtle way! I used to be so puzzled when metaphysical people would say things like “the crystal chooses you” or something similar. Now I know exactly what they mean; it sounds kinda crazy actually but I think they DO choose us!

Let’s not assume that we are the only living things on this big, beautiful earth. Just because they don’t move, doesn’t mean they don’t have a consciousness existing within them.

Growth and Evolution are self-explanatory I think; we all want to grow and evolve our ways of experiencing our world. Crystals and stones are perfect examples of growth and evolution – they’ve been growing and evolving for a long time!

Here’s a great article that explains it better than I ever could: Stone People – Mother Earth’s Record Holders and a quote from that article:

The Stone People put themselves in the paths of those who they want to notice them. People who notice them and pick them up feel their special energy. Stone People tell their holders about their gifts. They bring their own lessons to the lives of those who hold them.

Also another great excerpt; this one is from Carolyn Elliott of when talking about getting great at divination:

In our scientific materialist culture, we’re taught to regard the world around us as filled with inanimate, soulless objects – even living plants and animals, we’re taught, shouldn’t be seen as having “real” intention and intelligence.

What if the opposite were true?

What if we’re not surrounded by objects – but by other subjects with wills and intelligences of their own? What if even the stones and the stars were kinds of “people”?

Would those people be utterly indifferent to us, or would they speak to us – recognizing our interrelationship in a manner that we ourselves often tune out?

Noticed how she said “even the stones”? Or how Native Americans often refer to the stones as Stone People?

It’s a beautiful idea one worthy of deep contemplation for sure. It’s a metaphysical world and magic(k) is everywhere! All you have to do is tune in.✨

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What Was Your First Experience with Crystals?

My first experience with crystals was through a movie that I absolutely loved as a kid, The Dark Crystal. I watched it over and over and was so enchanted by it.

Little did I know that 30+ plus years later that I would be working with crystals in a way that I didn’t forsee. Crystals are mysterious in way that they come into your life at the right time; it may seem as if we’re the only ones orchestrating events in our lives because we have the ability to think but I also think nature and the cosmic forces of our vast universe have their own way of orchestrating synchronicity or divine timing. Call it the universal intelligence.

I’m not a rockhound whatsoever; I started liking crystals & stones because of their healing properties.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that you’re never too old to get into crystals – everything happens at the perfect time. If you are drawn to crystals right now, there is probably a valid reason for it.

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WTF Does It Really Mean to Live A High Vibe Life?

This is a spontaneous blog post that I felt compelled to write today.

As I was taking photos and listing crystals on the website, getting up every so often, doing laundry and giving belly rubs to my cat…my spirits felt high, and I had just made another sale. I felt happy and grateful, to the point where I felt as if I was on cloud 9. My dreams are coming true and I am living my best life. Everything is perfect.

So I just wanted to write this today for those who might be wondering:

WTF does it really mean to live a high vibe life?

I am writing this from my perspective so it might be a little bit sloppy and imperfect. Bare with me here.

The term “high vibe” is a popular term being used a lot these days, to the point where it’s actually sickening to hear it over and over again (as least for me anyway)! That and “good vibes only”. You see all these happy, good looking, fit people on Instagram posting the most perfect photos of themselves in front of an ocean or something, doing some kind of yoga pose…

I will tell you right now that THAT is not me. I’m pretty sure that if you’re reading this – that’s probably not who you are either.

But that doesn’t mean you’re not living your best and high vibrational life. And no offense to the people who do yoga in front of the ocean, it’s just not my style.😉

What I’m trying to say is that your “high vibe” life may look different to others. Your high vibe life is really based on how you feel, what you think and how you see life. In simple terms: whatever truly makes you happy.

Here are some hints that you are living a high vibe life:

(I want to mention again that these are not absolutes, I am just trying to write more from my own point of view)

+ You feel and know intuitively that you are balanced in all your bodies: emotional, physical, mental and spiritual. How do you know that you are balanced? It’s not like we can see our auras. But you don’t have to see your aura to know you’re balanced; if you are balanced: you don’t feel like you’re holding onto anything in your bodies, you are in tune with it and know how to release something that doesn’t feel good (like a feeling of tension).

+ You have integrated your shadow self. A lot of people also talk about their shadow a lot these days. Everyone has one. The shadow is the dark aspects of us, the parts of us that we repress and don’t want others to see. If you’re living a high vibe life, you acknowledge that your shadow is a part of you and you don’t try to hide it from others. You are simultaneously dark and light just like the yin & yang symbol.

+ You no longer feel the need to criticize, be overly opinionated or talk shit about others (including yourself). You stay neutral and mind your own business.

+ You actively work towards your goals instead of complaining that you can’t or it’s too hard to do certain things.

+ You attract more and more good and positive people and situations to you, and you don’t have to try so hard for it to happen.

+ You wake up with gratitude for all that you already have.

There’s a whole lot more to list but these are just the first few that came to mind.

Living a high vibe life doesn’t necessarily mean everything’s going to be peachy and perfect from here on out. But I can guarantee you that it can get a whole lot easier, and it all starts with us.

So how do I shift in order to experience a high vibe life?

I am going to see Blade Runner 2049 today and will return to add more to this. Or I will write another blog post. We shall see!

Actually, here’s a perfect article to read on raising your vibration: 5 Ways to Raise Your Vibration Right Now

Pictured above are crystals from my personal collection: a XL Angel Aura Smokey Quartz, an Angel Aura Skull and a Smoky Amethyst. My high vibe life pretty much looks just like how I described in the first paragraph – surrounded by crystals and stones, being in my house with my cat and husband working on the crystal business. It sounds super simple and probably even boring to some but that to me is my vision of a high vibe life.

So what does your high vibe life look like?



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A Love + Gratitude Crystal Grid 🌹🌕🌹 Aries Full Moon October 2017

Remember the blog posts I wrote titled “what can crystals do for you”? You can revisit Part I and Part II.

Well what about this – what can YOU do for the crystals?

You can create a crystal grid.

What is a crystal grid?

A crystal grid is a formation of crystals and stones usually formed in a sacred geometrical pattern to focus your will and intention to create real results in your life.

In other words, you are creating magic.

You can create a small crystal grid using just 5 crystals – one for each element – air, water, fire, earth + spirit; with one main “amplifying” crystal in the middle. Or you can create a larger grid, like I did here with two glass pillar candles, a vase of roses and included as many crystals from my inventory and personal collection. The main takeaway is to work with what you have.💎

I wanted to create a Love and Gratitude grid to honor and give thanks to the crystals and stones in assisting me with making Metaphysical Vibes a success; the shop would not be what it is without them so it was only fitting to do something special for them on this Friday night for two reasons:

+ Fridays are associated with the planet Venus and goddess Venus/Aphrodite. Venus is about love, beauty, desire, sensuality, independence. Here is a really great article and more information about Planetary Magick 4: Venus, Love and Money

+ Last night was still a Full Moon in Aries. I started this business 6 months ago in the month of Aries, April 22nd on Earth Day.

I may never fully understand the power of crystals, but I feel their subtle influence in my life immensely. I had to give back somehow by showing them I am grateful that they are here with me now. They will be going to their new homes eventually, but until then I want to let them know that I truly appreciate their presence.

I used a red candle for love, beauty, appreciation, passion. I think if you start up a business, being passionate about the products or services you sell is really important. Red is also synonymous with Aries energy; Aries energy is about willpower, initiative, determination, courage, passion.

I used a yellow candle for gratitude, success, for strengthening manifestation work, for mental clarity and solar power.

Red roses in the middle of the grid to enforce my love and admiration for the crystals. Love is the highest vibration we can offer to others as well as to ourselves.

And finally, I set out the crystals and stones in mandala formation.

I sat in silence with the full moon and the crystal grid, with my neighbor’s dog barking and sirens wailing around feeling grateful for all that has transpired in these last 6 months.
