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Do You Need Crystals & Stones To Live Your Best Life?

Do you need crystals & stones to live your best life?

My answer: No.

However, we ALL need support. Just like we have friends and teachers who want to see us be happy and successful beings, our generous earth wants the same – just on a larger scale.

So once you get into crystals, your love will definitely expand. Not just for yourself, but for all beings. You will gain a new appreciation for the world you live in, and so much more.



You don’t have to have all the crystals either, just the ones you vibe with. And of course, this can change over time.

Again, crystals and stones are there for energetic support. They are not there to replace medical advice and treatment. Please use common sense and seek professional help if you feel that something is really wrong.

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Learning the Ancient Art of Crystal Healing

I wasn’t sure where to post this for a few reasons:

  1. It’s personal
  2. This is a crystal shop blog
  3. I actually have a few websites

But at the same time, I wanted to post it here because:

  1. It is about crystals
  2. It’s also about crystal healing, which is tied to the use of crystals and stones
  3. Maybe you want to learn it too and so I figured I would share my learning experience here.😊
  4. I promised myself that I would blog here once a week.

Some of the possible reasons why you’re wanting to learn crystal healing or crystal therapy:

  1. You have a strong desire to know and heal yourself.
  2. You want to expand and deepen your knowledge of crystals and stones.
  3. You want to understand how crystals can actually heal the mind, body and spirit.
  4. You want to be in greater service to yourself and others.

I wanted to learn crystal healing for some time now, but didn’t know where to go.

There are a few reputable places to learn online and you’ve probably heard of them – Hibiscus Moon, Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy, Krista Mitchell and more that I can’t think of at the moment.

There’s also a very informative book series on the subject that I think a lot of the online schools I mentioned above use to teach crystal healing to students. I also reference it a lot throughout Metaphysical Vibes shop website, it’s called Crystal Healing Volumes 1-3 by Katrina Raphaell – I’ve added a link to the first book. Katrina really goes in depth with each of her books and I have so much love, gratitude and respect for all the knowledge that she shared.

Ultimately, as much as these online courses offered lots of useful information and flexibility – I just wasn’t sure if I could commit to it fully.

The thing with online courses is (they’re great, don’t get me wrong) – sometimes the information doesn’t stick, at least for me.

Also because it’s so convenient, I mean you’re learning online and from home – distraction and laziness ensues. Go figure!

But if I commit to getting up every weekend; showering, dressing up, driving and attending an actual class, learning from an actual person and partnering up with different people in your class, then the information sinks in a lot more.

So I decided it would be best to learn in person and went with the highly venerated Rev. Patricia Bankins who just so happened to be offering her 8 week course on Trans Crystal Therapy. She is the founder and owner of The Crystal Matrix here in Los Angeles, CA.

Update 6/12/18: I completed the 8 week course and my final on June 9th, 2018. I am officially a Certified Trans Crystal Therapist

To tell you the truth, I really don’t know what compelled me to start learning all of this.

The only thing I can really think of is that I needed to heal parts of myself so I can be better qualified to assist others with their own healing, even though I really don’t consider myself a ‘healer’. You can read more about it here on my personal blog.

Also, when I started Metaphysical Vibes – my initial goal was to have an online crystal shop, make money and hopefully quit my fulltime job. Needless to say, the crystals wanted me to experience something beyond those superficial desires.

I have learned so much about the chakras and the corresponding crystals or stones, sensing and feeling the aura, acupressure points, meridians and so much more. I even witnessed a girl in my class experience an intense emotional release through it.

I’m pretty certain that the crystals lead me to this point so I could be in service to others on a deeper level.

I have so many teachers to thank really, but I will save it for another blog post.💖

So we’ll see where this goes!

If you are in Los Angeles and want to learn Trans Crystal Therapy; I believe Patricia offers TCT Level 1 & 2 once a year. Visit The Crystal Matrix for more information.


In short, if you want to learn crystal healing or crystal therapy, you’ll have to decide how you want to learn. Trust that you’ll pick whatever is right for you.😊

Taking an online course is definitely easier as it gives direct access to those who may not have access to these courses in their local area.

But if you would rather learn in person like I did, then start searching for a local teacher. You can also read books on the subject, and you can also ask someone who is a crystal healer or crystal therapist how they learned.

Update September 19, 2018:

This blog post was published on May 11, 2018. I have created a separate website for my Reiki / Crystal Healing / Crystal Therapy practice. If you are in the Los Angeles area and would like a session, please visit Crystal Healer LA.



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Everything Takes Time to Grow and Evolve

Everything takes time to grow and evolve…

especially us humans.

As I think about how to grow my crystal shop online through writing content, sharing it on social channels, SEO, etc., I started pondering how long it took for crystals to grow into the beautiful crystalline beings they are now.

In comparison, crystal growth takes A LOT longer than human consciousness. It ONLY took our Earth 4 BILLION+ years to be where she is now and I’m pretty sure she’s not done.

So why is it so hard to just be patient with ourselves?

Why is it so hard to just ‘be’ where we are right now?

Because humans have this innate desire to create and be something; I believe we are descendants of a higher intelligence that coded this into our existence. There’s even a few scientific articles that states we have alien DNA in our bodies. Is it a possibility that these aliens are actually us?👽

But I digress.

I ask these questions because I am the same exact way. Sometimes I am impatient and a bit hard on myself, I want to see results right now.

Ever since I was kid I couldn’t ‘wait’ to be a grownup. I couldn’t wait to get my driver’s license, drive and go places. When I was 15 years old, I couldn’t ‘wait’ to be 18 so I could finally be independent and away from my parents.

My issues sound really mundane, but a lot of us actually think this way.

Just like Luke Skywalker in Star Wars – I was always looking ahead to the future.

And so now looking back at my childhood as an adult, everything seems like a blur. I wasn’t very present, I always wanted to escape somehow.

I guess what I’m trying to say here is 🐢SLOW DOWN🐢 and enjoy the growth process itself.

At times the growth process will fluctuate between fun and exciting to annoying and uncomfortable, but try to ‘be with’ whatever it is you are experiencing right now.

I wish I had done this, but even as I write this I know that people will learn things when the time is right for them to do so.

Living in the age of the internet doesn’t help – we want convenience and instant EVERYTHING.

The more reason to practice patience, self love and gratitude for where you are now.

In some ways, I am glad to have been chosen as a crystal custodian as the crystals will always teach us something. Perhaps that is why they chose me, so I can learn to slow down and enjoy the now, for this exact moment will never be repeated again.

Growth, evolution and healing takes time. Be patient, be kind and most of all loving towards yourself – people will come and go in your life but in the end – you are the only person you have to live with for the rest of your life.

✨This Amethyst sphere has sold. Visit Metaphysical Vibes Crystal Shop to see our selection of unique healing crystals & stones.

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Before You Speak…Think!

Photo / poster credit: unknown

T – is it TRUE?

H – is it HELPFUL?

I – is it INSPIRING?

N – is it NECESSARY?

K – is it KIND?

Sometimes I have mixed feelings about being in business; like there’s some things I just don’t want to deal with…like people, lol. I have lots of respect for those who work in retail and customer service, they deal with LOTS of people face to face on a daily basis.

That’s probably why I chose an online business, I consider myself to be mostly an introvert who’s good with using the internet, web design and social media stuff.

Another reason why an online business is perfect for me is because I’m really not into showing my face so much, but I’m working on it!

But even then, I’ll still have to deal with someone who is a critic or even worse, a mean person. Every business big or small has to deal with such types, I think. And other times it’s the other way around.

And so that’s why I posted this, as a reminder for myself and others not to lash out if and when someone decides to criticize any of us online. Remember, things stay on the internet for years; you don’t want to look bad by fighting fire with fire – not that fire is bad (I’m actually a fire sign in astrology), but I’m sure you know what I’m getting at here.

Think before you speak.

I’m open to criticism as I believe it can be constructive or even insightful, but if you do – please refer to the image above. Businesses and consumers are just like people in relationships, it definitely goes both ways. No one is perfect and everyone is doing their best.

Thank you!😊

Poster design: Unknown

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Buy What You Love, Even If It Is Expensive.

This might be an odd topic to write about on here, but I feel that it needs to be addressed.

When you have a business, often times you will be criticized for being too pricy or expensive. Even a small business like myself has already gotten a couple of comments about it. This becomes normal as you expose yourself to the public more and more; they’ll be sure to leave comments on Facebook, Instagram, Yelp, etc. And that’s totally fine; everyone has a right to express their thoughts…it is the internet after all.

I suppose I could talk about all the expenses that I’ve accumulated to have this business up and running (especially here in California), but that’s probably boring and irrelevant to you so I won’t. Besides, I chose to have those expenses and I am confident that it will be worth it in the long run.

I’ll definitely offer a sale or discount here and there but I won’t lower my prices consistently just because someone is telling me that I’m pricy or expensive. To each their own and setting boundaries on what you will or will not do to make a sale is important.

When I buy crystals from other people (and I do)…if I really want it, I buy it regardless of price. I don’t shame the seller into making them feel that their price is too high, I understand completely that they have to make a profit too. We ALL have to make a profit. I mean, that’s the WHOLE point of having a business right? Doing what we love AND making a profit from it; otherwise what’s the point of being in business if we’re not going to thrive? It’s too much energy and effort.

Amazon and Walmart are able to sell stuff for cheap because they are mega giants and are in a capitalist/competitive mindset. Small businesses are not, at least not me.

So this is me just putting it out there to anyone who happens to be reading this:

Buy what you love, even if it is expensive. Would you value it just as much if you bought it for cheap?

Don’t get me wrong; I also look for lower priced crystals and stones on occasion. But it also largely depends on its energy.

I’m reading a book about creating money and one of the concepts it talks about is this:

If you spend money without joy or love, out of obligation, resentment or worry, or with a feeling that you cannot afford what you buy, it will keep you out of the abundant flow of money.

If you buy things that you truly want with joy, your abundance will open up even more; it sends a message to your subconscious that you are deserving of such things.

I hope this gives you, the reader, some perspective.

And no, I’m not trying to convince you to buy crystals from me (although, I’d love it if you do and only if you see a crystal or stone that vibes with your personal energy).⚡

I’m also not saying that you should always buy expensive things and go into debt; rather, treat yourself every now and then to something that you really want, regardless of the price. If you know it will make you happy then go for it.

I chose to post a photo of this stunning Pyrite mineral since the day I wrote this is Thursday, day of the planet Jupiter; a planet associated with expansion. This Pyrite has sold.

Also here is a link to the book I’m currently reading – Creating Money: Attracting Abundance by Sanaya Roman

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The Cosmic Crystal Universe and You✨

When we start incorporating crystals into our lives, expect for things to change.

Everything will most likely look the same on the outside, but your inner world will never be the same.

Expect the unexpected. Expect synchronicity. Expect mind-blowing experiences. Expect for your imagination and intuition to increase. Expect for amazing and wonderful things to happen.

Expect to become One with the Universe.✨

Like today, I wanted to write something useful for this blog…something that people would search for and read.

Well guess what? This blog post has already taken a different turn, a very trippy and metaphysical turn.👁

I was inspired to create a digital drawing to go with this post, and lo and behold…I just wanted to draw spirals and crystals. And now it’s an animated gif.

Spirals have been a theme in my life as of late. When I started this crystal shop a year ago (I wrote this in April of 2018), I had certain expectations of how I thought it was going to be. At first I was sort of comparing myself to other shops, trying to figure out how I would present myself. I realized quickly that comparing myself to others didn’t work for me and needless to say a year later – ALL those expectations have pretty much flown out the door.


I can’t explain why, but the one thing that I can say for sure is: we are always changing and evolving.

Who we were last year isn’t who we are today and right now in this present moment I am the same person but at the same time completely different. A lot can truly happen in a year for you and I.

The Rabbit Hole is a Spiral🌀

When you start getting into metaphysical / spiritual stuff, you will definitely start to hear the term ‘rabbit hole’ more frequently.

If you’ve watched Alice in Wonderland as a kid, then you’ll remember that Alice follows the white rabbit and falls into a hole that basically takes her into another dimension, another reality where nothing is like her ‘real life’ at all.

That’s what life has been for me lately, not so much a hole but more of a spiral.

I say spiral because we as humans tend to revisit moments in our lives, more commonly known as the past or the future. But if we stop viewing time as linear, you’ll realize that when you’re remembering something or someone from your past you’re literally spiraling back to that moment but at the same time moving forward and positioned a little bit higher…just like a spiral or even better…a tornado spiral.🌀

You’re now looking back at something from a different perspective and gathering information from a higher and more evolved version of yourself.

What does any of this have to do with crystals?💎

Everything and nothing. The crystals and stones are one of many helpers from our beautiful earth that can assist us in expanding our consciousness; they are tools, allies, friends, teachers.


Open your mind and your heart, know that you are a limitless being existing here right now for a reason. Get to know yourself and enjoy the journey, there is so much depth within you waiting to be explored.💖

If you want to browse our selection of unique crystals and stones, visit Metaphysical Vibes.

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Self Love Healing with Affirmations and Rose Quartz💎💗💎💗

S E L F  L O V E💗

Everyone is talking about it, including myself.

But what is it?

S E L F  L O V E  is…

Becoming loving towards yourself.

S E L F  L O V E  is…

Speaking to yourself in the most loving and kind way.

Treating yourself like you would your best friend.

Forgiving yourself for past mistakes.

Actively listening to your own wants and needs.

I could keep going but I think you get my drift.

Why is self love important?

Self love is important because it can directly affect our health. If you’re into metaphysical topics, most books and teachers on the subject say this:

dis-ease manifests in our body before we even feel it; it starts in the invisible parts of ourselves (the etheric body and our aura) which is directly related to our thoughts and emotions.

I realize that the statement above probably sounds really vague, abstract and kind of ‘out there’. Believe me when I say that these concepts were foreign to me at some point too, but if it interests you enough then the information will start to sink in.😊

Know that you are not just your physical body – you also have an emotional, mental and spiritual body; four bodies total.

Now if you REALLY want to get technical, we actually have more than 4 bodies and more than 7 chakras. I will stick to the topic and save that for another blog post.

So it is important to begin to think loving thoughts about ourselves, it’s important to drop the negativity and the self hate. When have you ever felt good and happy about saying bad things about yourself?

If it doesn’t feel good, then why continue?

I used to be in the same boat as you; I was always quick to call myself stupid, an idiot or a dumbass. I wasn’t kind to myself and I was especially harsh about my looks. I often thought I was fat and ugly.

After awhile, you notice that you just don’t feel good about yourself and the pattern of negativity keeps on repeating. You keep having the same experiences that seem to suck or drain your energy dry, like stressful relationships with people where nothing ever goes smoothly or just being constantly overworked at your job.

And so you resulted in eating bad food or drinking and doing drugs. Or doing things that push those negative feelings down or numb the pain.

And then it just keeps on happening over and over again and you can’t get out.

Perhaps you’re stuck in a similar kind of pattern in life that keeps on repeating that you’d like to get out of.

What are these patterns that I’m talking about? Patterns come in the form of negative thoughts, feelings, behaviors, actions.

I never considered myself super feminine or girly so I was not attracted to Rose Quartz for a long time. One of the books that really changed my life though is a book by Louise Hay called You Can Heal Your Life. The affirmations in that book were simple and really helped me to reprogram my brain to think better thoughts about myself.

What does self love have to do with Rose Quartz?

A whole lot actually, being that Rose Quartz IS only the most popular stone for healing our hearts and learning to love ourselves. No matter what gender you are, if you are ready to let love back in, you will be attracted to Rose Quartz.💗🌹💗

You can start by just simply getting some Rose Quartz in raw or polished form (spheres, pyramids, self-standing towers, whatever your preference) and start putting it in your bedroom. In some ways, you don’t really have to do anything because just by you intending to get the stone and wanting to place it in your home, the healing has already begun. Crystals and stones are intelligent in that way and Rose Quartz immediately starts to do its gentle yet powerful work without you realizing it.🌸

Suggestion: combine Rose Quartz with an affirmation.

Hold your Rose Quartz to your heart, close your eyes and begin breathing in and out for a few minutes. You can think about what it is you’d like to let go of or just breathe. Whatever you choose, know that Rose Quartz is already healing you.

You can say “I am a loving and beautiful person”

or you can say your name and then say “I love and accept you as you are”.

In Louise Hay’s book, she suggests that we do this in front of a mirror. For me, it was kind of hard to look at myself and say “I love and accept you as you are” but if you keep practicing you will eventually dissolve those blocks of discomfort.


When we are actively working with Rose Quartz and using affirmations on a regular basis, we can learn to undo the negative thought patterns that tend to occupy the mind which lead to physical manifestation that is often not good for us.

As the late Louise Hay says – YOU can heal your life.

We have some Rose Quartz – hearts and palm stones for sale at the shop

Question: I am a man, identify as a male or have masculine qualities so I’m not attracted to Rose Quartz or anything pink at all. Are there other stones I can work with?

Yes! In the Chakra system, the heart center is actually associated with the color green. You can work with any green stone – Green Adventurine, Green Apophyllite, Nephrite Jade, Peridot and Serpentine are a few examples. You can also work with a Quartz crystal, as it is known as a Master crystal that is used for all purposes.

As a matter of fact, you can work with any crystal or stone that personally represents love to you. Rose Quartz is just a starting point but it doesn’t have to be.

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How to Meditate with a Crystal or Stone

Let’s face it, crystals are very popular right now so there’s probably lots of online articles out there on how to meditate with crystals. This one is no different.

And I’ll be very honest with you – I’m writing this so that my crystal shop website can reap the SEO benefits. In the marketing and SEO world, they say that writing relevant blog content will increase your search engine results. So this is my attempt.

And who knows? This article might benefit someone out there on the World Wide Web so I might as well write something. Writing this out will definitely help me out too, as I like to practice my writing.😊

So here we go!

First of all, why even include crystals in your meditation? Why can’t you just, I don’t know…meditate?

It’s true, you can most certainly meditate without the help of crystals. You don’t need crystals to start your meditation practice.

But I’ve also learned that quieting your mind, just breathing and being present can actually be challenging at first, at least it was for me. Us humans need some assistance from the mineral kingdom – who’ve spent thousands of years growing in silence in the womb of Mother Earth.💎

Through a guided meditation, crystals and stones can really take your meditations to the next level!

A guided meditation is just that – meditating with a guide. All you do is sit back, relax and go into your inner world while someone is guiding you.

One of my favorite meditation teachers is Jessica Snow. She opened me up to my own world, and helped me to rediscover my true self. You can check out her website here.

If you are lacking in funds for a guided meditation, I’m sure there’s an abundance of them on YouTube. But if you’ve arrived here and you’re actually reading this, then start here.😊

So here’s a simple way to meditate with a crystal:

💎 Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed for at least 5-10 minutes. Feel free to set an alarm on your phone. You can also use the Insight Timer app if you feel that you need some light sound to help you meditate.

💎 Grab the crystal or stone that you want to meditate with.

💎 Holding your crystal in your non-writing hand, sit on a chair with both feet planted on the floor or sit on the floor with your back straight and your legs crossed – whatever’s comfortable for you.

💎 Close your eyes, breathe in and out for a few minutes, paying attention only to your breathing.

💎 While breathing, be aware of the crystal you hold in your hand. Observe with your eyes closed how the crystal feels in your hand and ask it for whatever you need help with.

💎 Continue breathing and holding the crystal. Take note of any intuitive messages you are receiving if any, write it down so you can refer to it later.

💎 You’re pretty much done once your alarm goes off, but if you’d like to keep going feel free to hit the ‘snooze’ on your phone.


That’s it! Congratulations, you just meditated with a crystal!😃 How did it feel? Good, I hope!😊


If you really want to step up your crystal meditation, here are 2 bonus steps that will really help take you to that sacred, otherworldly, metaphysical dimension:

✨ Once you’ve found your quiet space, cleanse that area first with smoke using Sage, Palo Santo or other herbs really. If you have neither, then work with incense. If you have none of these, then project a thought affirming that the space is energetically clean.

Smoke cleansing your space clears out any unwanted energies with sacred smoke, but your intention will work just as good. 

✨ Before starting your meditation, ground by breathing in and out while imagining yourself connecting to the core of the earth. Most people imagine roots coming down from their body or a rope with a really heavy anchor or even a beam of light that has sparkles around it. Have fun and use your imagination. Doing this will keep you anchored on the earth plane, so you don’t float away.

If for some reason you weren’t able to quiet your mind when doing the meditation, that’s okay. Keep at it and try again.

The more you meditate, the easier it gets. Anything that you want to get good at takes practice. The fact that you even want to meditate shows your intention and the crystal will certainly help you achieve positive results as they are intelligent like that.

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How to Break Through a Creative Block with Crystals

So I’m having a major creative block today. It’s gloomy and cold out here and even though today is Tuesday, a day associated with the planet Mars which is supposed to be all about action and energy – I don’t feel so motivated or action-oriented.

I want to crawl into bed and sleep, or read a good book then fall asleep. Then wake up and do absolutely nothing, or sit on the couch and scroll through Instagram and ‘like’ stuff.

Unfortunately, I can’t. I have a fulltime job and so I’m in front of the computer writing, thinking, trying to force some kind of creativity. If you’re a creative type then I know you can relate!

Creativity however, is not just limited to those ‘creative types’ that we normally think of – artists, designers, writers, musicians, etc. All of us, including the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms are in a constant state of creation.

But still, we all experience blocks.

How to Break Through a Creative Block with Crystals💎

Here is a quick and easy way to start generating ideas using the assistance of a crystal, stone or even a fossil:

Step 1: Whatever crystal or stone you have with you, take it out and hold it. Metaphysical teachers often say that for the best results, use your receptive hand.

For example, I write with my right hand so my left hand would be the receptive hand.

Step 2: While holding the crystal take a deep breath in, exhale and ask it to help you get inspired. You can even hold it up to your third eye / brow area if you want, as long as no one’s looking of course so you don’t feel silly about it.😉

If you don’t have anything with you, then search online for the first thing that pops into your mind, don’t spend too much time searching; trust that the first one you think of IS the crystal, stone or fossil you’re supposed to work with for this simple exercise.

Step 3: Spend a few minutes contemplating this crystal or stone (in my case, this large, gorgeous and iridescent Ammonite fossil). Observe its physical details – color, shape, any interesting characteristics that stand out to you; contemplate how long it took to grow and evolve and how far it actually traveled to get into your hands.

Step 4: Start writing in your notebook, journal or your blog – whatever you have in front of you.

Step 5: Thank the crystal or stone for helping you.

I want to add that maybe you might not instantly start getting ideas right away, it might happen now or maybe even later; either way give it time and be patient with yourself. Keep trying.

It’s easy to get caught up in ourselves, it’s easy to get swept away with what’s happening on social media, news, politics, etc.

We follow too many people thinking we’re going to get inspired by them when in reality we become overloaded with information and so we end up losing our very own selves, the very essence of who we are.

Thankfully we can work with crystals, stones or just about anything from nature to inspire us or get us back to our center. I know I definitely need to, as I work in graphics & marketing by day – I need to constantly have fresh ideas coming in.

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Experience Crystal and Stone Magic!✨🌏💎🌋🗿

In my AdWords ad on Google, I have a short tagline to get people to visit the website and either browse or buy crystals. It says:

Selling crystals & stones – Earth’s treasures for healing, growth & evolution.

So I wanted to write a blog post breaking down the words I used.

First off, I’m not a crystal expert or a crystal healer – but I really like crystals and love talking about them.

First things first – what is the belief that we’re talking about here?

It’s the belief that crystals and stones can assist us with healing, growth and evolution.

Well, what is “healing” exactly?

Healing comes from the word “heal” which means (copied & pasted from

1. to make healthy, whole, or sound; restore to health; free from ailment.

2. to bring to an end or conclusion, as conflicts between people or groups,
usually with the strong implication of restoring former amity; settle; reconcile:
They tried to heal the rift between them but were unsuccessful.

3. to free from evil; cleanse; purify: to heal the soul.

To “heal the soul” – I really like that last definition.

What is growth?

1. the act or process, or a manner of growing; development; gradual increase.

2. size or stage of development: It hasn’t yet reached its full growth.

3. completed development.

What is evolution?

1. any process of formation or growth; development:
the evolution of a language; the evolution of the airplane.

2. a product of such development; something evolved:
The exploration of space is the evolution of decades of research.

3. Biology. change in the gene pool of a population from generation to generation
by such processes as mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift.

So if you combine all three, that is what my tagline conveys – that crystals and stones can assist us with healing, growth and evolution.

What are we healing from exactly?

Healing is not just a process that happens on the physical level; because if you think about it we actually have 4 bodies – the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body. There’s all kinds of things that we experience from the time we are born (or maybe even from a past life if you believe in reincarnation) that we need to heal from.

The physical actions can be used as metaphors for reasons to heal: you got punched in the stomach, somebody cut you, beat you up, threw hot water, slapped you, etc. The list goes on and on and can be easily applied to emotional, mental & spiritual reasons as well. For example: a breakup with someone can often times feel like getting punched in the stomach, literally; does it not?

You can heal from a deep rooted belief or a traumatic experience; things that block you from living your full potential, things that are keeping you stuck in your life. We all have these blocks.

You might not even recognize that you are in need of healing (yet), but are somehow drawn to crystals and stones without really knowing why. That is the crystals calling to you in the most subtle way! I used to be so puzzled when metaphysical people would say things like “the crystal chooses you” or something similar. Now I know exactly what they mean; it sounds kinda crazy actually but I think they DO choose us!

Let’s not assume that we are the only living things on this big, beautiful earth. Just because they don’t move, doesn’t mean they don’t have a consciousness existing within them.

Growth and Evolution are self-explanatory I think; we all want to grow and evolve our ways of experiencing our world. Crystals and stones are perfect examples of growth and evolution – they’ve been growing and evolving for a long time!

Here’s a great article that explains it better than I ever could: Stone People – Mother Earth’s Record Holders and a quote from that article:

The Stone People put themselves in the paths of those who they want to notice them. People who notice them and pick them up feel their special energy. Stone People tell their holders about their gifts. They bring their own lessons to the lives of those who hold them.

Also another great excerpt; this one is from Carolyn Elliott of when talking about getting great at divination:

In our scientific materialist culture, we’re taught to regard the world around us as filled with inanimate, soulless objects – even living plants and animals, we’re taught, shouldn’t be seen as having “real” intention and intelligence.

What if the opposite were true?

What if we’re not surrounded by objects – but by other subjects with wills and intelligences of their own? What if even the stones and the stars were kinds of “people”?

Would those people be utterly indifferent to us, or would they speak to us – recognizing our interrelationship in a manner that we ourselves often tune out?

Noticed how she said “even the stones”? Or how Native Americans often refer to the stones as Stone People?

It’s a beautiful idea one worthy of deep contemplation for sure. It’s a metaphysical world and magic(k) is everywhere! All you have to do is tune in.✨