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The Power of Crystals – Coloring Book

I’m late to sharing this but hey, better late than never.

I was sent an awesome coloring book recently called The Power of Crystals – A Coloring Book of Healing Minerals, A to Z. The photos above feature the cover and a sample page.

I am a perfectionist so I have yet to color any of the pages but I have to say – I really appreciate the mineral drawings as they are very detailed. Even without coloring them, you can clearly see the dimensional aspects of each mineral that was illustrated. The descriptions also provide physical and metaphysical properties of the mineral group.

Here is a list of minerals that are included in the coloring book:
Agate, Amazonite, Amethyst
Calcite, Celestite, Copper
Herkimer Diamond
Lapis Lazuli
Selenite, Silver, Sulfur
Topaz, Tourmaline

Overall a fun and therapeutic activity for the mineral lover in your life.

Have a look at Diamond Dan Publications’ store

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3 Reasons Why You Might Be Drawn to Rocks✨💎✨

People tend to ask the question “why am I drawn to rocks”?🗿 and then they end up here on this website.😊

That’s a really good question to ponder or ask Google, lol.

Ask yourself: why ARE you drawn to rocks?

Here are some ideas based off personal experience – of course take only whatever resonates with you:

1. Your intuition, your soul, higher self, higher consciousness – whatever you want to call it – wants to communicate with you through the stones.

It can’t seem to get your attention in this noisy, fast-paced world we live in so it’s trying to get your attention through the crystals and/or stones.

1a. Why would a stone want to communicate with me?

If you are drawn to the stones in the first place, then there is a mutual resonance happening; in other words – you are vibing with the crystal. Just follow it and see where it goes. If you knew everything there was to know about our beautiful and mysterious earth, we wouldn’t be here to discover it.

2. There’s probably something you need from the rocks that it can only provide at that exact moment in time:

+ some kind of healing or spiritual insight
+ learning how to tune out the world around you to find the answers you seek
+ learning how to slow down and be still and most importantly:
+ learning how to listen to yourself.

3. In Native American tradition, everything on this beautiful earth is considered a relative – the trees, the plants, the animals.

The phrase “all my relations” originates from them, calling rocks the Stone People. Stone People hold ancient memory and records of the Earth. They have medicine and we must learn to listen in order to receive it. Read more about the Stone People here and here.

In other words, you probably have some deep listening to do.

But what about the meme about the rocks in the driveway…why am I not attracted to those?

Those rocks are the mundane part of this world. We see them ALL the time so we just don’t notice them as much.

Our personal electromagnetic energy field also known as our aura is composed of light and color frequencies therefore we are attracted to the same.

Our souls love the light filled crystals and colorful, iridescent stones.

Bonus reason you might be drawn to rocks: depending on the element of your astrological sign – for example, all humans are a combination of fire, air, earth and water – you might be naturally attracted to rocks because you just need to be grounded and anchored. This is especially true for those who are fire, air or water dominant.


There really are countless reasons as to why a person is drawn to rocks. This is just a few of them and hopefully gives you some food for thought.

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Metaphysical Use Of Crystals & Stones For Modern Times

With everything going on in the world, it’s very difficult NOT to find yourself consumed with anxiety, negativity, and cynicism. The only problem is that allowing negativity to control you will only lead to more negativity. It’ll make you sick, angry, and turn your life upside down. To offset these issues and bring normalcy to your life, you’ll want to learn more about the metaphysical use of crystals and stones.

Certain stones can help you combat certain problems. Amethyst may be effective for negating hangovers and drunkenness. This is only one example. Below, readers will learn more about the metaphysical use of crystals and stones in modern times.

What IS metaphysics, anyway?

According to Wikipedia:

Metaphysics is a major branch of philosophy. It concerns existence and the nature of things that exist. Altogether it is a theory of reality.

Today the term metaphysics usually refers to discussion of aspects of reality which are beyond physics.

If you think about it, most of humanity’s problems originate from the mind and emotions, something we don’t see but experience all the time. You can see where we’re going with this and how metaphysics can relate to crystals and stones and how crystals and stones can effect mental and emotional healing.

The Metaphysical Properties Of Stones

The world has flipped upside down, so you’re likely looking for a way to right the ship. Well, it might be as easy as taking advantage of stones. Benefiting from the metaphysical properties of stones can help you improve your life by bringing awareness to what you need energetically. This is an effective way to boost your inner strength, enhance your knowledge, improve your bravery, and promote positivity. The possibilities are endless. You cannot ignore the metaphysical attributes of stones and crystals.

Energy Healing Stones

While there are other ways to cure ailments, many techniques come with severe side effects and serious repercussions. As a result, many consumers are looking for safer ways to deal with their issues. Crystal healing is one possibility. This alternative medicine technique utilizes crystals and stones to treat ailments and defend against disease. Supports of this notion claim that crystals are conduits for healing. They argue that stones allow healing, positive energies to flow into the body while eliminating negative energies.

Subtle energy shifts can lead to serious issues. By harnessing the power of crystals, one will be able to enhance their health and promote positivity in their life.

The Immense Benefits Of Healing Stones & Crystals

In your natural environment, you’ll find yourself surrounded by negative energy. It is pertinent to find ways to void this negativity and fill yourself with positive thoughts. Certain crystals and stones can help you achieve this goal. Smokey Quartz is an excellent example of this. This stone is considered to be one of the most effective grounding stones. This means that it can be used to neutralize and eliminate negative vibrations and energies. Furthermore, it can detoxify the user. If you find yourself in a bad mood, you only need to pick up a Smoky Quartz crystal, and your mood will change rapidly.

You’ll also want to learn more about Fuchsite Kyanite Stones and their eye-opening benefits. These stones possess the ability to heal the heart while stabilizing one’s energy field. This stone will never acquire negative energy, so its applications are unlimited. If you need to bring a gentle calm to your life, you’ll want to use a Fuchsite Kyanite Stone.

Endless Possibilities

When it comes to the metaphysical uses of healing stones and crystals, the possibilities are endless. Whether you wish to enhance your spirituality or heightening your consciousness, you’ll be able to achieve your goals with the right stones. There has never been a better time to transform your life and become a better you. Don’t ignore the powerful energies possessed by healing crystals.

Books in this photo

The Pocket Book of Stones – Robert Simmons
Change Your Energy – Krista Mitchell
Everyday Crystal Rituals – Naha Armády
Love Is In the Earth – A Kaleidoscope of Crystals – Melody
Pranic Crystal Healing – Master Choa Kok Sui
The Subtle Body – Cyndi Dale
Hands of Light – Barbara Ann Brennan
The Book of Stones – Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian
The Subtle Body Coloring Book
Secret Teachings of All Ages – Manly P. Hall


This blog post is an opinion piece only and does not apply to healing the physical body. Please see a health professional if you are experiencing serious health issues.

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An Oracle Pull & Healing Stones for January 1st, 2021

It’s the first day of a new year – the sun is in Capricorn and the moon is in Leo. The year is officially 2021.

While I wasn’t intending to pull a card I did so on a whim to post on my Instagram page and ended up pulling a 1 – SEER card from the Nature Nurture Oracle deck created by Marcella Kroll. From the booklet this card indicates:

Omens, prophecy, dream time and wisdom

It’s a powerful time to pay attention to the invisible world and receive messages in dreamtime or meditation. Social media has a way of keeping us forever distracted – always on our phones, having FOMO, or just scrolling and looking for the next fix. I get it, it happens to all of us…myself included.

Owls have long been associated with wisdom, knowledge and being able to ‘see’ through the dark so it only felt right to add these two lovely stones to the mix – a Labradorite and a Lapis Lazuli. Edit: only the Labradorite is available for purchase.

Why did I choose these stones?

As you probably already know, Labradorite is a stone of magic and can help you ‘tune in’ to your intuition or psychic ability.

I want to stress that the word ‘psychic‘ doesn’t literally mean “mind reader”. You may or may not gain mind reading powers with Labradorite BUT you’ll be able to tap in to a deeper aspect of yourself and begin to ‘see’ people’s energy beyond the surface level. We are layered beings and accessing your psychic abilities takes time and practice.

Lapis Lazuli is a stone of ancient wisdom and royalty. Just looking at the stone immediately takes you to the night sky, with flecks of Pyrite and Calcite as stars. The kings and queens of ancient Egypt adorned themselves with Lapis Lazuli, even wearing it into the afterlife.

According to Melody, Lapis can be placed over the third eye to aid one in developing insight into ones own dreams.

Both stones have different shades of blue so they naturally vibrate to your 5th chakra. The 5th chakra is associated with our throat – it enhances communication ability and the ability to speak our truth.

Back to the oracle card. One of the definitions of ‘seer‘ is

a person endowed with profound moral and spiritual insight or knowledge; a wise person or sage who possesses intuitive powers.

So let’s be like the owl who is a seer. Observe and see your life and those around you from a higher perspective.

Purchase this Labradorite palm stone at my Etsy shop.

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Some Random Crystal Related Memes I’ve Collected – Part I

Memes make everything better, don’t they? What would the internet be without them? A meme is an image – usually a half joke, half truth – you laugh about it then move on. I guess I was off and here is the actual definition of a meme.

If you are the creator of any of these and would like credit, please leave a comment or DM me on Instagram @metaphysical_vibes // thanks!😊

** When you never learned how to correctly express yourself so you just give them crystals instead **

** Today I share my generous spirit with all creatures **


** Me emerging from my hiding spot when I hear new people talking about tarot, crystals, astrology, and witchcraft @UncorkedWitch **

** Life is always rocky when you’re a gem **


** I asked the Universe to keep all the low frequency people away from me, now I’m in a dark room with incense, sage and crystals talking to myself **


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5 Ways To Create Your Own Crystal Meanings✨💎✨

Here is an excerpt from Katrina Raphaell’s book Crystal Healing – The Therapeutic Application of Crystals and Stones:

My advice to those in search of what they already inwardly know concerning crystals, is to use your own intuition as you explore the resources of this phenomenal world of light and knowledge what rings true on your own inner touchstone. Information in Crystal Enlightenment, Vol. 1, and the following material in Crystal Healing Vol. 2, is what I have personally received, experienced and witnessed in my work and research with crystals during the last decade. Your experience is your own. Personal unfoldment with crystals is dependent upon the willingness each individual has to sit, be still, clear the mind, open the heart, and perceive the insight that will be perfectly made to order.

It’s true, I source a lot of the meanings from a few crystal books on here, but I’d really like to get away from that eventually and start writing more of my own. I guess the point of this blog post is to let anyone who finds this know that you CAN create your own personal crystal meanings.

Why bother doing this when it’s all online anyway?

That’s exactly it – there’s TOO MUCH information on the internet – a lot of the times it’s either conflicting or confusing and yet we are quick to “google it” and rely on them – myself included, ultimately forgetting to trust and rely on our own intuition and not allowing our own unique experiences to have a say in the matter.

So yes, there’s a lot of crystal and stone meanings that you can use. But does all of it resonate with you personally?

How does one even begin to create their own crystal meanings?🧐

Here are 5 suggestions; feel free to add to this and as always, only do what feels right to you:

1. Meditate with the crystal or stone or spend a few minutes by holding the crystal or stone in your hand.

Most will say that your non-dominant hand is better for receiving the energy of the crystal or stone, but also try with your dominant hand. How does it feel, is it any different?

2. Spend time with them like they’re your friends. I personally like to read, journal, listen to music or read tarot for myself with all my stones present. Over time, your crystal collection will start to communicate with you in the most subtle way. It will be hard to explain and you will probably come off as crazy to your family if they don’t get it. I promise you will be happier though.

3a Observe the physical characteristics of the crystal like shape, color, texture. Is it opaque, clear, iridescent, lustrous? Does it have rainbows, does it have inclusions or other minerals on or in it?
3b Observe how the stone makes you feel: does it make you feel more calm, more energized?

4. If you are creative – why not draw, paint, take photos or incorporate crystals into your designs?

I believe this is the main reason why I started selling crystals – I just felt inspired by them. They are an absolute joy to work with and the people who buy them from me are just as kind and wonderful. Unlike most people who just buy things online and have a tendency to be rude, impatient or selfish; from my experience so far – people who buy minerals have great energy. Facts.

5. If none of the above are working for you, I would try color or word association.

For example, let’s use Carnelian. Carnelian is often a red, orange, brown stone. What words can you associate with red? Red is the color of blood, red is love, red roses, red is our beating heart, red is sexy, red is passion and power, red is also anger and aggression. I can keep going but I think you get my drift here.❤️


So have fun, get magical and creative getting to know your crystals and stones. It’s okay to search for the general meaning of them but it’s also just as important to create your own interpretations. It’s a great way to increase our perception and intuitive abilities, as well as expand consciousness.

Shuhari is a martial arts concept that I’d like to add here because in some ways, it covers a lot of the same concepts that I’m attempting to explain:

“It is known that, when we learn or train in something, we pass through the stages of shuha, and ri. These stages are explained as follows. In shu, we repeat the forms and discipline ourselves so that our bodies absorb the forms that our forebears created. We remain faithful to these forms with no deviation. Next, in the stage of ha, once we have disciplined ourselves to acquire the forms and movements, we make innovations. In this process the forms may be broken and discarded. Finally, in ri, we completely depart from the forms, open the door to creative technique, and arrive in a place where we act in accordance with what our heart/mind desires, unhindered while not overstepping laws.”

It’s going to take practice and dedication, but I promise you that if you keep at it you will start to ‘hear’ the stones speak to you about their purpose in your life as well as your purpose in their life – yes believe it or not, crystals and stones have their own life story to tell.

It also really helps to get off your phone, watch less TV, spend more time alone. All you have to do is ask and intend to receive information from them.

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Can Crystals Be Dangerous?💎🤔☠️

I saw this search phrase pop up on the website so I felt the need to write a blog post about it.

The question is: Can Crystals Be Dangerous?

Let’s look at this question from a few aspects:


From a physical point of view, yes they can be; they are minerals after all with very sharp points and edges. If you’re not careful handling them, there’s a chance that the crystal will cut up your fingers or hands.

The physical labor of mining these beautiful crystals so we can all enjoy them is also a very dangerous job.

For example, check out this Instagram and look at their photos; they are Professional High Mountain Crystal Hunters. What they do looks dangerous AF especially in such cold climates. High risk for high rewards.


Our minds are very powerful. If our thoughts are energetic vibrations then our thoughts can affect physical reality. I mean, think about it: your life IS a manifestation of your thoughts. It is said that once upon a time, the ancient civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis misused the power of crystals. What we can learn from this is that we have to work with crystals that only serve the greater good of everyone, especially yourself.


This sort of ties in to the mental part. When the Lemurians & Atlanteans misused the crystals for their own selfish purposes, they completely forgot the spiritual aspect – of being connected and one with source energy.

We humans have a tendency to forget that we are spiritual beings having a human existence; we are often prone to greed and selfishness. And as a seller of crystals and stones, it’s always important for me to be mindful of this.


From an emotional point of view, crystals can be dangerous if we aren’t emotionally balanced. Since crystals hold neutral light energy, they can easily pick up on vibrations in the environment they’re in. For example: if you are in a living space with crystals and you tend to fight or argue with people in that same space – the crystal will pick up on that and reflect those bad vibes.

Definitely get into a routine of clearing your crystals while also clearing yourself of negative emotions on a regular basis.


So to answer the question: can crystals be dangerous? Crystals CAN be dangerous if we’re the ones not being conscious and aware of how we are working with them. Remember that we are stewards, caretakers of the earth. As with everything, use your best judgment, using a healthy mix of intuition with common sense.

The Twin Calcite crystal cluster featured in the photo is spiky and dangerous looking, but his energy is awesome. I think that’s why I was drawn to him. He has sold.


Below is a helpful resource from Hibiscus Moon:

Toxic Crystals and Stones

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Crystals for Sale: Quartz Crystals That Look Like Spaceships!🚀

I’ve been thinking a lot about cosmic starseeds lately and wondering if I am one.

I’ve also been YouTubing Light Language these last few weeks and luckily I’m attending a Light Language Activation at Open Eye Crystals today. I’ve been reading online a lot about these subjects and even though I feel as if I don’t really fit the description of a starseed, I’m still fascinated by the idea that I could be one.✨

I mean, why does this stuff even interest me, you know? There HAS to be a reason why my spirit pulls me in these particular directions.

So I posted this neat Quartz crystal cluster on my Instagram recently. It’s a Laser Quartz cluster from Diamantina region in Brazil. I chose this cluster from a group of similar crystal clusters because of the way the crystals are formed – nearly angled horizontally and tabular almost like the top surface of a spacecraft.

So I hope whoever resonates with this crystal cluster will see the same thing as me as it truly feels out of this world and wouldn’t mind hanging on to it a bit longer. Since Quartz is known to amplify energy, the fact that I think this looks like a spaceship can literally induce multidimensional travel during meditation.

And what do I mean by ‘multidimensional travel’?

Even though we are in our physical bodies everyday, I also believe that we are constantly ‘traveling’ through our other bodies. Like when we daydream or dwell on a past memory or think about the future, or even when we’re scrolling through social media on our phones – we are traveling. It may not be a physical location, but it still exists as a dimension just like the tv show “The Twilight Zone”.

Let’s say for example that when you’re reading a book – you’re imagination is taking you to wherever that book is taking place – fiction or nonfiction. Even with a nonfiction book, your mental body – the intellectual part of you – has transported you to the information you’re absorbing.

You can also experience multidimensional travel through meditation. Ask your guides to take you there, I’m sure they will be more than glad to help.

This unique and one of a kind Laser Quartz cluster is available for purchase here at my Metaphysical Vibes’ Etsy shop.

I was also searching YouTube and found this interesting video about the Star Nations.

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Crystal of the Day: Phantom Chlorite Quartz👻

I read something in Robert Simmons’ Book of Stones where he says (just not in these exact words) that everything he writes in his books is channeled information and is not scientifically proven. It is all based on personal experimentation: spending time meditating with the crystals and stones and recording the information he receives to learn about how they affect him personally.

So instead of me googling or reaching for my copy of Book of Stones, I will do my best to tell you about this fantastic mineral specimen: Phantom Chlorite Quartz

Phantom Chlorite Quartz has a ghostly vibe to it, like you can literally see it’s previous stages of growth. It’s almost like a skeleton, but not really. And so appropriate because at the time of this blog post, Halloween is just 5 days away.👻

Each quartz crystal grows in layers; often times a Quartz that’s growing will have other minerals include itself in its growth process – and so it is with Phantom Chlorite Quartz, whose layers are visible via the Chlorite that included itself.

Metaphysically, Chlorite helps us to heal our wounds, allowing us to accept ourselves as we are; acknowledging the mistakes we’ve made in the past and appreciating how far we’ve come in life. We can look at our past and observe it in present time, without attaching any emotions to it. With Quartz in the mix, these properties are amplified and magnified.

This amazing, Large Phantom Chlorite Quartz has sold.

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Crystal Book Reads: Cosmic Crystals by RA Bonewitz

Often times I’ll buy a book based on its cover and this one is no exception. I love the typography, the use of star and crystal elements – a combination I never seem to tire of. Vintage books are probably more interesting cover-wise than most modern book covers these days, at least to me.

On the back cover of the book it says:

Ra Bonewitz is the foremost authority on the spiritual aspects of crystals. A scientist, professional geologist, psychic and mystic, he is a unique combination of the practical and the intuitive. As well as working as a trance medium and healer, he travels widely giving lectures and workshops on crystal energies and their applications.

I’ve not finished the book but have jumped around mostly, I confess that I have a hard time finishing all sorts of books because I go in and out of being interested.

Nonetheless, this is a fascinating book to have in your collection if you love and appreciate crystals and minerals both from a geological and metaphysical point of view.

The full title of the book is Cosmic Crystals – Crystal Consciousness and the New Age, the author is Ra Bonewitz.