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7 Healing Crystals & Stones for Your Chakras

Chakras – you’ve probably heard or read about them a lot these days. Look at the hashtag for ‘chakra’ or ‘chakras’ on Instagram and you’ll see over 2 million posts related to it.

But really though – what IS a chakra, and why is it important?

Chakras are basically energy centers of the energetic or subtle body. Though we can’t see them, they are often depicted as wheels or discs that are constantly spinning, each one a color of the rainbow. Together they form our human energetic field, sometimes called the rainbow body but more commonly known as the aura.

Although these are abstract concepts, we are actually experiencing the chakras at work daily through our thoughts, feelings and how we perceive life. Each chakra is also connected to organs in our physical body. 

For example, the color red represents our first chakra often called the root or base chakra – located at the end of our spine – the tailbone. This chakra represents our connectedness to our physical body and the earth as well as feeling centered, grounded and at home. When this chakra is imbalanced, we can expect to feel the opposite: feeling spaced out or not present, not connected to our body; not feeling safe.

How can healing stones help with our chakras?

The purpose of learning about our chakras is to bring awareness to our own actions and behaviors. We want to achieve balance and harmony in our energetic body because if we don’t, it eventually affects the physical body.

We can work with healing stones – stones that correlate to our chakras – to help bring us back into balance.

You can visit a crystal healer to assist you with this or you can do it yourself by placing stones along your body to effect healing.

Here is an example of healing stones you can work with to help balance the 7 chakras of your body:

1st Chakra – Red – Red Jasper, Smoky Quartz
Place in between your crotch area or right in between your upper thighs.

2nd Chakra – Orange – Carnelian, Garnet
Place on your abdomen area below the belly button.

3rd Chakra – Yellow – Citrine, Pyrite, Tiger’s Eye
Place on your stomach area above the belly button.

4th Chakra – Green (or Pink) – Green Aventurine, Rose Quartz
Place on your heart.

5th Chakra – Blue – Blue Lace Agate, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli
Place on your throat.

6th Chakra – Violet – Amethyst, Fluorite
Place on your forehead or third eye center.

7th Chakra – White – Quartz, Selenite
Place above your head.


This is just a basic rundown of the 7 Chakra system and the healing crystals & stones you can use to heal, balance and align your energetic body.

Click here if you’d like to purchase our 7 Stone Chakra Set with Green Aventurine

Click here if you’d like to purchase our 7 Stone Chakra Set with Rose Quartz

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Meme: When Your Chakras Are All Aligned

I made a meme for once! It says:

When your chakras are all aligned.

The image is of Thanos the Mad Titan who collects the Infinity Stones for his own selfish gain.

I’m going to attempt to relate this to the chakras. I know, I know; crystal healing, chakra healing and the wellness industry in general has become the butt of jokes; super played out and oversaturated with cringe-y BS these days but…

you can’t deny that in spite of fake or misinformed people, underneath it all is the Energy itself.

I’m going to write as authentically as I can, from my own words.

Why should you care about aligning your chakras?

In theory, you don’t have to ever align your chakras, it’s not like you’ll die if you don’t ever get to know the chakra system. The truth is, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. Ever.

But from personal experience and existing in a physical, human body for 44 years now – I have to say that the energy we put out into the world is very important. Once you learn and master this energy, in some ways you become like Thanos – almighty and all powerful. You’ve mastered and worked with your own subtle energy – you can control it and you can manifest whatever is for you.

Read that again: you can manifest whatever IS for you. Notice I didn’t say you can manifest whatever you want.

Just because we align our chakras and heal ourselves doesn’t mean life is going to be perfect from here on out. The wellness industry has a tendency to focus on the love and light part and not so much on shadow work and integration. Understanding what each chakra does can help us understand our own nuanced energy.

If anything, you’ll keep learning and experiencing new things. In other words, you’ll continue to level up.

I’ve come to learn that our physical bodies aren’t really the ones running things – they’re simply physical manifestations of the soul’s biological shell. A beautiful shell that we occupy during our time here on earth.

It is only a small part of who we are.

Not aligning your chakras means that you or I will be more prone to imbalances – negative feelings of entitlement, anger, jealousy, depression, anxiety and the list goes on and on.

I want to add this excerpt from a book called Wheels of Light by Rosalyn L. Bruyere:

Our intention becomes very clear when we understand that, whether we are conscious of it or not, we influence our environment. For example, when I began to understand that my aura – my energy field – controlled whether plants lived or died in my home, I began to further see that my aura also affected the way my pets lived, the way my children lived, the way my neighbors lived. To have power is to have impact on everything around us. We can learn not to fear that impact but to use it – consistently, consciously, and responsibly – integrating it in a natural way into our daily living. If each of us were self-responsible for having more power, for carrying more light, more love, and more wisdom, then surely the planet would be a better place.

So how to experience your chakras? It’s not like they are tangible “things”…

You can start off with our 7 Chakra Stone Set and work your way to getting to know your chakras through the stones.

Watch the video below from Spirit Science called Chakras 101

Resources from our blog:

Read this post about the 7 Healing Crystals & Stones for Your Chakras

Watch this video called Spirit Science Guide to Crystals

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An Oracle Pull & Healing Stones for January 1st, 2021

It’s the first day of a new year – the sun is in Capricorn and the moon is in Leo. The year is officially 2021.

While I wasn’t intending to pull a card I did so on a whim to post on my Instagram page and ended up pulling a 1 – SEER card from the Nature Nurture Oracle deck created by Marcella Kroll. From the booklet this card indicates:

Omens, prophecy, dream time and wisdom

It’s a powerful time to pay attention to the invisible world and receive messages in dreamtime or meditation. Social media has a way of keeping us forever distracted – always on our phones, having FOMO, or just scrolling and looking for the next fix. I get it, it happens to all of us…myself included.

Owls have long been associated with wisdom, knowledge and being able to ‘see’ through the dark so it only felt right to add these two lovely stones to the mix – a Labradorite and a Lapis Lazuli. Edit: only the Labradorite is available for purchase.

Why did I choose these stones?

As you probably already know, Labradorite is a stone of magic and can help you ‘tune in’ to your intuition or psychic ability.

I want to stress that the word ‘psychic‘ doesn’t literally mean “mind reader”. You may or may not gain mind reading powers with Labradorite BUT you’ll be able to tap in to a deeper aspect of yourself and begin to ‘see’ people’s energy beyond the surface level. We are layered beings and accessing your psychic abilities takes time and practice.

Lapis Lazuli is a stone of ancient wisdom and royalty. Just looking at the stone immediately takes you to the night sky, with flecks of Pyrite and Calcite as stars. The kings and queens of ancient Egypt adorned themselves with Lapis Lazuli, even wearing it into the afterlife.

According to Melody, Lapis can be placed over the third eye to aid one in developing insight into ones own dreams.

Both stones have different shades of blue so they naturally vibrate to your 5th chakra. The 5th chakra is associated with our throat – it enhances communication ability and the ability to speak our truth.

Back to the oracle card. One of the definitions of ‘seer‘ is

a person endowed with profound moral and spiritual insight or knowledge; a wise person or sage who possesses intuitive powers.

So let’s be like the owl who is a seer. Observe and see your life and those around you from a higher perspective.

Purchase this Labradorite palm stone at my Etsy shop.

Crystals & Stones By Name

Here’s a full list of Crystals and Stones we have available by name:


7 Stone Chakra Sets




Ammonite Fossil

Angel Aura


Aqua Aura

Black Moonstone

Black Tourmaline

Blue Calcite




Chakra – Seven Stone Sets

Chalcedony Amethyst


Dichroic Titanium Kyanite

Fuchsite Kyanite

Girasol Opalized Quartz

Golden Healer Quartz

Himalayan Quartz






Lemurian Quartz

Lodolite Quartz



Ocean Jasper Druzy

Opalized Ammonite Fossil

Phantom Chlorite Quartz

Quartz with Inclusions

Red Rutilated Smokey Quartz with Hematite

Royal Purple Aura

Rutilated “Angel Hair” Quartz

Rose Quartz

Smokey Himalayan Quartz Cluster

Smokey Quartz

Sunset Aura

Super Seven

Tiger’s Eye

Titanium Rainbow Aura Quartz

Titanium Smoky Quartz


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SOLD: Amethyst Spirit Quartz

I figured I would change it up around here and use my Photoshop skills to create magical images with the crystals still available for purchase. As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I’ve already gotten bored of posting videos of them to my Instagram.

So here is one Amethyst Spirit Quartz cluster that is available for purchase. The cluster fits in the palm of your hand.


Copied & pasted from The Book of Stones:

Keywords: merging with the Higher Self, purification, protection, spiritual evolution, freedom from fear

Chakras: Crown & Solar Plexus


What can we learn from Amethyst Spirit Quartz? This is my personal take:

That we are spirits in the flesh, spiritual beings existing in a human body.

Most crystal meanings will say that the crystal will provide ‘protection’. Protection from what, exactly?

  • Negative energies / entities

How can a crystal provide protection?

The crystal has a stable molecular structure, humans do not. We are prone to being influenced by everything! Although crystals absorb energy in their environment, they mostly remain neutral.

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Crystal of the Day: Amphibole “Angel Phantom” Quartz

What can I say about Amphibole Quartz that hasn’t already been said online…

it’s a Quartz crystal filled with all kinds of other minerals – Crocidolite or blue asbestos, Hematite, Kaolinite, Limonite and more – when cut and polished it creates what looks like flowing, wispy wings and texture inside the crystal, thus giving it the nicknames Angel Phantom Quartz or Amphibole Lightning Quartz.

Definition of amphibole from

  1. any of a complex group of hydrous silicate minerals, containing chiefly calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, and aluminum, and including hornblende, tremolite, asbestos, etc., occurring as important constituents of many rocks.

And yes, the mineral group does give you the vibe of angel phantoms and lightning – for me personally, I imagine visions of fiery angels accompanied by gray clouds and thunderous flashes of bright light descending down from the heavens with giant, wispy wings.🔥

Wouldn’t that would be a mind blowing experience!⚡👁⚡

Some articles describe Angel Phantom Quartz as gentle. My personal opinion: it is not gentle and soft at all, but loud and somewhat intense. I suppose it depends on each individual specimen, but this particular one is definitely fiery, most likely from red Hematite.

So while we’re waiting for angels to appear to us, we have a perfect 3D representation of that powerful, ethereal and angelic force – the Amphibole Quartz. You can work with Amphibole Quartz to open the 3rd and 6th or 7th chakras – as they work together to assist you with creative manifestation from a higher, more spiritual plane.

I also want to add that you don’t have to believe in angels to appreciate Angel Phantom Quartz – from an artistic point of view, the amphiboles also look like layers of three dimensional brush strokes from a painting. Mother nature is truly amazing.

Because it’s Quartz which is programmable and contains all other colors within itself; and that there are so many other minerals present in Amphibole Quartz, I believe that you can balance all chakras as well with this crystal.

Edit: this amazing specimen has sold. We are currently out of Amphibole Quartz. Visit Metaphysical Vibes Crystal Shop to see what else we have.

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Learning the Ancient Art of Crystal Healing

I wasn’t sure where to post this for a few reasons:

  1. It’s personal
  2. This is a crystal shop blog
  3. I actually have a few websites

But at the same time, I wanted to post it here because:

  1. It is about crystals
  2. It’s also about crystal healing, which is tied to the use of crystals and stones
  3. Maybe you want to learn it too and so I figured I would share my learning experience here.😊
  4. I promised myself that I would blog here once a week.

Some of the possible reasons why you’re wanting to learn crystal healing or crystal therapy:

  1. You have a strong desire to know and heal yourself.
  2. You want to expand and deepen your knowledge of crystals and stones.
  3. You want to understand how crystals can actually heal the mind, body and spirit.
  4. You want to be in greater service to yourself and others.

I wanted to learn crystal healing for some time now, but didn’t know where to go.

There are a few reputable places to learn online and you’ve probably heard of them – Hibiscus Moon, Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy, Krista Mitchell and more that I can’t think of at the moment.

There’s also a very informative book series on the subject that I think a lot of the online schools I mentioned above use to teach crystal healing to students. I also reference it a lot throughout Metaphysical Vibes shop website, it’s called Crystal Healing Volumes 1-3 by Katrina Raphaell – I’ve added a link to the first book. Katrina really goes in depth with each of her books and I have so much love, gratitude and respect for all the knowledge that she shared.

Ultimately, as much as these online courses offered lots of useful information and flexibility – I just wasn’t sure if I could commit to it fully.

The thing with online courses is (they’re great, don’t get me wrong) – sometimes the information doesn’t stick, at least for me.

Also because it’s so convenient, I mean you’re learning online and from home – distraction and laziness ensues. Go figure!

But if I commit to getting up every weekend; showering, dressing up, driving and attending an actual class, learning from an actual person and partnering up with different people in your class, then the information sinks in a lot more.

So I decided it would be best to learn in person and went with the highly venerated Rev. Patricia Bankins who just so happened to be offering her 8 week course on Trans Crystal Therapy. She is the founder and owner of The Crystal Matrix here in Los Angeles, CA.

Update 6/12/18: I completed the 8 week course and my final on June 9th, 2018. I am officially a Certified Trans Crystal Therapist

To tell you the truth, I really don’t know what compelled me to start learning all of this.

The only thing I can really think of is that I needed to heal parts of myself so I can be better qualified to assist others with their own healing, even though I really don’t consider myself a ‘healer’. You can read more about it here on my personal blog.

Also, when I started Metaphysical Vibes – my initial goal was to have an online crystal shop, make money and hopefully quit my fulltime job. Needless to say, the crystals wanted me to experience something beyond those superficial desires.

I have learned so much about the chakras and the corresponding crystals or stones, sensing and feeling the aura, acupressure points, meridians and so much more. I even witnessed a girl in my class experience an intense emotional release through it.

I’m pretty certain that the crystals lead me to this point so I could be in service to others on a deeper level.

I have so many teachers to thank really, but I will save it for another blog post.💖

So we’ll see where this goes!

If you are in Los Angeles and want to learn Trans Crystal Therapy; I believe Patricia offers TCT Level 1 & 2 once a year. Visit The Crystal Matrix for more information.


In short, if you want to learn crystal healing or crystal therapy, you’ll have to decide how you want to learn. Trust that you’ll pick whatever is right for you.😊

Taking an online course is definitely easier as it gives direct access to those who may not have access to these courses in their local area.

But if you would rather learn in person like I did, then start searching for a local teacher. You can also read books on the subject, and you can also ask someone who is a crystal healer or crystal therapist how they learned.

Update September 19, 2018:

This blog post was published on May 11, 2018. I have created a separate website for my Reiki / Crystal Healing / Crystal Therapy practice. If you are in the Los Angeles area and would like a session, please visit Crystal Healer LA.



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Self Love Healing with Affirmations and Rose Quartz💎💗💎💗

S E L F  L O V E💗

Everyone is talking about it, including myself.

But what is it?

S E L F  L O V E  is…

Becoming loving towards yourself.

S E L F  L O V E  is…

Speaking to yourself in the most loving and kind way.

Treating yourself like you would your best friend.

Forgiving yourself for past mistakes.

Actively listening to your own wants and needs.

I could keep going but I think you get my drift.

Why is self love important?

Self love is important because it can directly affect our health. If you’re into metaphysical topics, most books and teachers on the subject say this:

dis-ease manifests in our body before we even feel it; it starts in the invisible parts of ourselves (the etheric body and our aura) which is directly related to our thoughts and emotions.

I realize that the statement above probably sounds really vague, abstract and kind of ‘out there’. Believe me when I say that these concepts were foreign to me at some point too, but if it interests you enough then the information will start to sink in.😊

Know that you are not just your physical body – you also have an emotional, mental and spiritual body; four bodies total.

Now if you REALLY want to get technical, we actually have more than 4 bodies and more than 7 chakras. I will stick to the topic and save that for another blog post.

So it is important to begin to think loving thoughts about ourselves, it’s important to drop the negativity and the self hate. When have you ever felt good and happy about saying bad things about yourself?

If it doesn’t feel good, then why continue?

I used to be in the same boat as you; I was always quick to call myself stupid, an idiot or a dumbass. I wasn’t kind to myself and I was especially harsh about my looks. I often thought I was fat and ugly.

After awhile, you notice that you just don’t feel good about yourself and the pattern of negativity keeps on repeating. You keep having the same experiences that seem to suck or drain your energy dry, like stressful relationships with people where nothing ever goes smoothly or just being constantly overworked at your job.

And so you resulted in eating bad food or drinking and doing drugs. Or doing things that push those negative feelings down or numb the pain.

And then it just keeps on happening over and over again and you can’t get out.

Perhaps you’re stuck in a similar kind of pattern in life that keeps on repeating that you’d like to get out of.

What are these patterns that I’m talking about? Patterns come in the form of negative thoughts, feelings, behaviors, actions.

I never considered myself super feminine or girly so I was not attracted to Rose Quartz for a long time. One of the books that really changed my life though is a book by Louise Hay called You Can Heal Your Life. The affirmations in that book were simple and really helped me to reprogram my brain to think better thoughts about myself.

What does self love have to do with Rose Quartz?

A whole lot actually, being that Rose Quartz IS only the most popular stone for healing our hearts and learning to love ourselves. No matter what gender you are, if you are ready to let love back in, you will be attracted to Rose Quartz.💗🌹💗

You can start by just simply getting some Rose Quartz in raw or polished form (spheres, pyramids, self-standing towers, whatever your preference) and start putting it in your bedroom. In some ways, you don’t really have to do anything because just by you intending to get the stone and wanting to place it in your home, the healing has already begun. Crystals and stones are intelligent in that way and Rose Quartz immediately starts to do its gentle yet powerful work without you realizing it.🌸

Suggestion: combine Rose Quartz with an affirmation.

Hold your Rose Quartz to your heart, close your eyes and begin breathing in and out for a few minutes. You can think about what it is you’d like to let go of or just breathe. Whatever you choose, know that Rose Quartz is already healing you.

You can say “I am a loving and beautiful person”

or you can say your name and then say “I love and accept you as you are”.

In Louise Hay’s book, she suggests that we do this in front of a mirror. For me, it was kind of hard to look at myself and say “I love and accept you as you are” but if you keep practicing you will eventually dissolve those blocks of discomfort.


When we are actively working with Rose Quartz and using affirmations on a regular basis, we can learn to undo the negative thought patterns that tend to occupy the mind which lead to physical manifestation that is often not good for us.

As the late Louise Hay says – YOU can heal your life.

We have some Rose Quartz – hearts and palm stones for sale at the shop

Question: I am a man, identify as a male or have masculine qualities so I’m not attracted to Rose Quartz or anything pink at all. Are there other stones I can work with?

Yes! In the Chakra system, the heart center is actually associated with the color green. You can work with any green stone – Green Adventurine, Green Apophyllite, Nephrite Jade, Peridot and Serpentine are a few examples. You can also work with a Quartz crystal, as it is known as a Master crystal that is used for all purposes.

As a matter of fact, you can work with any crystal or stone that personally represents love to you. Rose Quartz is just a starting point but it doesn’t have to be.

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Captivated by Optical Calcite aka “Iceland Spar”

I really want to blog more for Metaphysical Vibes, but truthfully my knowledge of the crystal kingdom is still quite limited that I don’t have a whole lot to say about it. There’s a lot of information that people can search for on the internet and I don’t want to regurgitate what’s already out there. I would like to be more intuition based but it’s proving to be a challenge to write it out.

On the flipside, I have been posting a lot of crystal videos on our Instagram page, and people seem to be into it.

I had one Optical Calcite aka Iceland Spar (which has sold) that is quite special, it’s very holographic and illusory in that everytime I twirl it in front of a light source I see something different. Like from a few angles it’s full of color and looks quite trippy and dimensional, but as soon as you turn it it disappears. I’m sort of obsessed with it.

To me Optical Calcite reminds us of our three dimensional selves – are we really real? Or are our human identities just some sort of spacesuit? At any given moment, our lives can be cut short and then we disappear, our physical bodies disintegrating back to the earth. The only thing we can hang on to is the experiences we’ve had – the metaphysical feelings of love, joy, pain, sorrow, etc.

What is real is the eternal you, pure consciousness; the one who is the observer of it all.