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Meme: When Your Chakras Are All Aligned

I made a meme for once! It says:

When your chakras are all aligned.

The image is of Thanos the Mad Titan who collects the Infinity Stones for his own selfish gain.

I’m going to attempt to relate this to the chakras. I know, I know; crystal healing, chakra healing and the wellness industry in general has become the butt of jokes; super played out and oversaturated with cringe-y BS these days but…

you can’t deny that in spite of fake or misinformed people, underneath it all is the Energy itself.

I’m going to write as authentically as I can, from my own words.

Why should you care about aligning your chakras?

In theory, you don’t have to ever align your chakras, it’s not like you’ll die if you don’t ever get to know the chakra system. The truth is, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. Ever.

But from personal experience and existing in a physical, human body for 44 years now – I have to say that the energy we put out into the world is very important. Once you learn and master this energy, in some ways you become like Thanos – almighty and all powerful. You’ve mastered and worked with your own subtle energy – you can control it and you can manifest whatever is for you.

Read that again: you can manifest whatever IS for you. Notice I didn’t say you can manifest whatever you want.

Just because we align our chakras and heal ourselves doesn’t mean life is going to be perfect from here on out. The wellness industry has a tendency to focus on the love and light part and not so much on shadow work and integration. Understanding what each chakra does can help us understand our own nuanced energy.

If anything, you’ll keep learning and experiencing new things. In other words, you’ll continue to level up.

I’ve come to learn that our physical bodies aren’t really the ones running things – they’re simply physical manifestations of the soul’s biological shell. A beautiful shell that we occupy during our time here on earth.

It is only a small part of who we are.

Not aligning your chakras means that you or I will be more prone to imbalances – negative feelings of entitlement, anger, jealousy, depression, anxiety and the list goes on and on.

I want to add this excerpt from a book called Wheels of Light by Rosalyn L. Bruyere:

Our intention becomes very clear when we understand that, whether we are conscious of it or not, we influence our environment. For example, when I began to understand that my aura – my energy field – controlled whether plants lived or died in my home, I began to further see that my aura also affected the way my pets lived, the way my children lived, the way my neighbors lived. To have power is to have impact on everything around us. We can learn not to fear that impact but to use it – consistently, consciously, and responsibly – integrating it in a natural way into our daily living. If each of us were self-responsible for having more power, for carrying more light, more love, and more wisdom, then surely the planet would be a better place.

So how to experience your chakras? It’s not like they are tangible “things”…

You can start off with our 7 Chakra Stone Set and work your way to getting to know your chakras through the stones.

Watch the video below from Spirit Science called Chakras 101

Resources from our blog:

Read this post about the 7 Healing Crystals & Stones for Your Chakras

Watch this video called Spirit Science Guide to Crystals

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3 Reasons Why You Might Be Drawn to Rocks✨💎✨

People tend to ask the question “why am I drawn to rocks”?🗿 and then they end up here on this website.😊

That’s a really good question to ponder or ask Google, lol.

Ask yourself: why ARE you drawn to rocks?

Here are some ideas based off personal experience – of course take only whatever resonates with you:

1. Your intuition, your soul, higher self, higher consciousness – whatever you want to call it – wants to communicate with you through the stones.

It can’t seem to get your attention in this noisy, fast-paced world we live in so it’s trying to get your attention through the crystals and/or stones.

1a. Why would a stone want to communicate with me?

If you are drawn to the stones in the first place, then there is a mutual resonance happening; in other words – you are vibing with the crystal. Just follow it and see where it goes. If you knew everything there was to know about our beautiful and mysterious earth, we wouldn’t be here to discover it.

2. There’s probably something you need from the rocks that it can only provide at that exact moment in time:

+ some kind of healing or spiritual insight
+ learning how to tune out the world around you to find the answers you seek
+ learning how to slow down and be still and most importantly:
+ learning how to listen to yourself.

3. In Native American tradition, everything on this beautiful earth is considered a relative – the trees, the plants, the animals.

The phrase “all my relations” originates from them, calling rocks the Stone People. Stone People hold ancient memory and records of the Earth. They have medicine and we must learn to listen in order to receive it. Read more about the Stone People here and here.

In other words, you probably have some deep listening to do.

But what about the meme about the rocks in the driveway…why am I not attracted to those?

Those rocks are the mundane part of this world. We see them ALL the time so we just don’t notice them as much.

Our personal electromagnetic energy field also known as our aura is composed of light and color frequencies therefore we are attracted to the same.

Our souls love the light filled crystals and colorful, iridescent stones.

Bonus reason you might be drawn to rocks: depending on the element of your astrological sign – for example, all humans are a combination of fire, air, earth and water – you might be naturally attracted to rocks because you just need to be grounded and anchored. This is especially true for those who are fire, air or water dominant.


There really are countless reasons as to why a person is drawn to rocks. This is just a few of them and hopefully gives you some food for thought.

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Crystal Witch Shopping Memes

When you’re a witch shopping for your friends and family, no matter what they asked for:

you get a crystal!

you get a jar of herbs!

you get a feather!

you get an oracle deck!

you get an aura spray!

you get another crystal!


Image description: photo of Oprah in a red suit. She’s holding a microphone looking pumped up in front of her audience.


The world right now:

Crystal Sellers:

Anyone wanna buy some crystals?


Image description: one half of the photo is a city on fire, the other half is of Will Ferrell hollering.


Oldie but goodie😉

My face walking around the crystal shop

Image description: 2 different photos of Agate stones that almost seem to have eyes and a mouth, expressing wonder and amusement; which is basically the ultimate facial expression of anyone that has ever walked into a crystal shop for the first time.

Believe it or not, people are still buying crystals during Covid-19. People are still buying things in general because they’re home a lot more. Anyways, I hope everybody’s hanging in there. Enjoy these memes.

If you’re the creator of any of these memes, please leave a comment so I can credit you. Thanks!

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Watch Jay Versace Explain How Crystals Work

Edit: unfortunately, the video has been removed. It was a really good video too but hey, I get it. We all grow and change over time…

Maybe you’ve been living under a rock these last few years? But if not then you probably know who Jay Versace is – he is a YouTuber, model, actor, comedian, music maker, you name it. He pretty much does it all and he’s quite good at it.

I love how he explains how crystals work in his own unique, fresh way and doesn’t take up too much of your time as this video is less than 9 minutes long. My attention span is low these days so unless it’s a subject that I’m really interested in, I’m not a huge fan of long videos. If you can’t get your message across in less than 15 minutes then you lose me.

Jay also uses the terms ‘vibration’ and ‘frequency’. I’m sure you already know the famous quote from Nikola Tesla:

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

So if you’re tired of the standard, boring YouTube videos explaining how crystals actually work then watch Jay Versace’s version. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

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Some Random Crystal Related Memes I’ve Collected – Part I

Memes make everything better, don’t they? What would the internet be without them? A meme is an image – usually a half joke, half truth – you laugh about it then move on. I guess I was off and here is the actual definition of a meme.

If you are the creator of any of these and would like credit, please leave a comment or DM me on Instagram @metaphysical_vibes // thanks!😊

** When you never learned how to correctly express yourself so you just give them crystals instead **

** Today I share my generous spirit with all creatures **


** Me emerging from my hiding spot when I hear new people talking about tarot, crystals, astrology, and witchcraft @UncorkedWitch **

** Life is always rocky when you’re a gem **


** I asked the Universe to keep all the low frequency people away from me, now I’m in a dark room with incense, sage and crystals talking to myself **