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Crystals for Sale: Magical Labradorite Palm Stones

They say magic already exists within us, yet here we are still searching outside ourselves. It’s one of life’s many paradoxes.

We as a human race have been programmed this way since the beginning of time it seems. We look to the sun, moon and stars and see them as gods and goddesses. We look to the ocean, the trees, the earth and see spirits. But we often forget that we are also gods and goddesses, spirits in the flesh who have free will.

This is where Labradorite comes into your life perfectly. It is the stone of magic, one that helps the seeker to realize their own personal power, their own personal magic. It opens up a whole new world, one that is not easily seen by many. Psychics, clairvoyants and metaphysical people are a part of that world and so can you if you choose to be; Labradorite can open up your intuitive abilities and help you see on a deeper level.

We don’t give ourselves enough credit sometimes, we don’t think we are capable. Let Labradorite do its magic on you.

Edit: the Labradorite in the animated photo has sold, but we still have a few others available for purchase at Metaphysical Vibes.

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An Oracle Pull & Healing Stones for January 1st, 2021

It’s the first day of a new year – the sun is in Capricorn and the moon is in Leo. The year is officially 2021.

While I wasn’t intending to pull a card I did so on a whim to post on my Instagram page and ended up pulling a 1 – SEER card from the Nature Nurture Oracle deck created by Marcella Kroll. From the booklet this card indicates:

Omens, prophecy, dream time and wisdom

It’s a powerful time to pay attention to the invisible world and receive messages in dreamtime or meditation. Social media has a way of keeping us forever distracted – always on our phones, having FOMO, or just scrolling and looking for the next fix. I get it, it happens to all of us…myself included.

Owls have long been associated with wisdom, knowledge and being able to ‘see’ through the dark so it only felt right to add these two lovely stones to the mix – a Labradorite and a Lapis Lazuli. Edit: only the Labradorite is available for purchase.

Why did I choose these stones?

As you probably already know, Labradorite is a stone of magic and can help you ‘tune in’ to your intuition or psychic ability.

I want to stress that the word ‘psychic‘ doesn’t literally mean “mind reader”. You may or may not gain mind reading powers with Labradorite BUT you’ll be able to tap in to a deeper aspect of yourself and begin to ‘see’ people’s energy beyond the surface level. We are layered beings and accessing your psychic abilities takes time and practice.

Lapis Lazuli is a stone of ancient wisdom and royalty. Just looking at the stone immediately takes you to the night sky, with flecks of Pyrite and Calcite as stars. The kings and queens of ancient Egypt adorned themselves with Lapis Lazuli, even wearing it into the afterlife.

According to Melody, Lapis can be placed over the third eye to aid one in developing insight into ones own dreams.

Both stones have different shades of blue so they naturally vibrate to your 5th chakra. The 5th chakra is associated with our throat – it enhances communication ability and the ability to speak our truth.

Back to the oracle card. One of the definitions of ‘seer‘ is

a person endowed with profound moral and spiritual insight or knowledge; a wise person or sage who possesses intuitive powers.

So let’s be like the owl who is a seer. Observe and see your life and those around you from a higher perspective.

Purchase this Labradorite palm stone at my Etsy shop.


So this page is slightly different from the blog…this is where I will put my random thoughts related to the crystals and stones we have available for purchase here at Metaphysical Vibes. More personal and a lot shorter. It’s easier to share my thoughts in this format.

Definition of ‘musing’: 1 (adjective) absorbed in thought; meditative. 2 (noun) contemplation; reflection.


Oh wow, it’s been about a year since I wrote in this section! I’ve had a few issues with the website – mostly brute force attacks to the point where my web server couldn’t handle it so I’ve had to take it down a couple of times and figure things out. Anyhow, since then I’m just waiting to sell whatever I have left and will probably remove this site eventually. It was fun while it lasted.

Protect your personal information when making online purchases. Make sure you have a strong password so you don’t get hacked. Also, don’t click on questionable links.


After 2 weeks, the site is back up but the images need fixing. Please visit my Etsy shop in the meantime or keep checking back.

Wed 6/9/21

Random thought but meaningful so I had to share it on here: the most powerful crystals and stones are the ones that usually go unnoticed.

Sun 5/16/21

According to astrologers, we will be experiencing Jupiter in Pisces for the next 26 weeks. Luckily for me, I’m a Sagittarius and my husband is a Pisces so we’re both going to be feeling it in one form or another, at least I think so.

This large Labradorite pebble has been my companion lately, reminding of my own magic. It definitely has Jupiter-Neptunian vibes. It is available for purchase here.

Tue 4/6/21

Success! It’s been a crazy couple of days for me – as I was attempting (and failing miserably) to migrate this website to another host. You probably saw that the site was down for a day and a half; well I’m happy to say that it’s back and everything is intact!👏🏽😊👏🏽

Sun 1/31/21

Just wanted to highlight some of the creative people who’ve bought crystals & stones from Metaphysical Vibes:

Minda Whiteley is an artist from Los Angeles who specializes in creating experimental healing sounds.


FancyBaby is a singer, songwriter and spiritual babe from Los Angeles. Her first Rap/Hip Hop/R&B album, FancyLand is out now.

Tue 12/01/20

I really like this guy, he’s really chill and his sparkles are all natural: Chalcedony Black Amethyst. I’m also aware that minerals don’t have a gender but for some reason this one feels like a male to me.

Just like the word ‘soothing’, I also say ‘unique’ and ‘one of a kind’ a lot. Can’t help it, the crystals in my shop ARE unique and one of a kind. I think everyone who has a crystal shop will probably say that, because it’s true. I wish there were better words to describe them.

Fri 11/20/20

I really like this Botswana Agate stone. I wasn’t even trying to have a crystal shop yet in 2017, but I found myself buying a handful of these from a vendor in Joshua Tree. Their colors are on the cool spectrum and have a flow-y, trippy vibe to them. I know I say the word ‘soothing’ a lot but there’s no other appropriate word to describe a stone sometimes.

Thu 11/19/20

I brought this really cool Phantom Chlorite Quartz crystal to work with me today. I was reading Katrina Raphaell’s book “Crystal Enlightenment” and I just happened to flip to the Phantom Crystals section (pages 75-77). Here’s a mind-blowing excerpt:

“Phantom Crystals are a culmination of knowledge that was gained by the crystal in its own unique evolutionary cycles. It is possible to use these precious tools in meditation to learn to travel deep within the records of your own soul.”

Wow wow wow. She says some really deep stuff and it’s been resonating with me a lot more as of late.

Wed 11/18/20

If you ask me right now what my favorite crystal or stone from the shop is, it would be this beautiful Girasol Opalized Quartz stone. It is so soothing to hold and dreamy to look at. Whenever I hold it, I feel like “Wow, am I dreaming? Am I dreaming up this reality that I’m in right now?”

At my work, I currently have a polished Tiger Iron stone that keeps me company, sitting on my desk.

Last night, the site was down for who knows how long. I wasn’t able to access the hosting control panel on GoDaddy either…so upset and frustrated! But not enough to call them. Thankfully, I woke up and checked to see that the site was back up.

I’m waiting for my hosting to expire so I can finally move it.

Crystals & Stones By Name

Here’s a full list of Crystals and Stones we have available by name:


7 Stone Chakra Sets




Ammonite Fossil

Angel Aura


Aqua Aura

Black Moonstone

Black Tourmaline

Blue Calcite




Chakra – Seven Stone Sets

Chalcedony Amethyst


Dichroic Titanium Kyanite

Fuchsite Kyanite

Girasol Opalized Quartz

Golden Healer Quartz

Himalayan Quartz






Lemurian Quartz

Lodolite Quartz



Ocean Jasper Druzy

Opalized Ammonite Fossil

Phantom Chlorite Quartz

Quartz with Inclusions

Red Rutilated Smokey Quartz with Hematite

Royal Purple Aura

Rutilated “Angel Hair” Quartz

Rose Quartz

Smokey Himalayan Quartz Cluster

Smokey Quartz

Sunset Aura

Super Seven

Tiger’s Eye

Titanium Rainbow Aura Quartz

Titanium Smoky Quartz


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Graphic Design & Digital Art Inspiration from Alycia Rainaud✖️

I’m highly inspired by visuals whether it’s through art, graphic design, motion graphics, textures, nature’s patterns or crystals. Anything that’s visually striking and not only stimulates my regular vision but my third eye as well pretty much touches the inner depths of my occult soul.✨👁✨

And so that’s why I asked the lovely Alycia Rainaud to repurpose an image she created into the fantastic header you now see on the Metaphysical Vibes website. Something about that particular texture reminded me of striated crystalline structures like Black Tourmaline and how other crystals such Aquamarine, Labradorite or Tanzanite look just to name a few.

You can check out her amazing work on Instagram or Society 6.

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What Are Your Favorite Crystals & Stones?

We asked some of our friends over at our Metaphysical Vibes’ Instagram & Facebook pages to see what is everyone’s favorite crystal or stone. Here are the responses we received:

  • earthscuriousgoods Citrine is my favorite because of it’s ability to cleanse almost anything
  • freshelitemadam Always Garnet and Amethyst and theres a Ice Blue one…but I forgot the name.
  • acejoeyt Ye Ming Zhu is my favorite … Qi energy
  • Mandy Gough Labradorite and Amber are my jam. Labradorite for its mystery. The light, sparkle and some that seems to come from blackest depths. Amber for the sun, the brightness and warmth, the tree blood, full of life and potential…

As for us? It’s really hard to say because we love all the crystals and stones – some you connect with at different times of your life, some you have yet to meet. Red Tiger’s Eye was my favorite for a long time. But lately, for me it’s been Chrysoprase and any kind of Quartz, while my husband really likes Fluorite.