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Grounding with Crystals & Stones

Grounding – you probably hear that word a lot if you’re into metaphysical or spiritual topics.

But what IS grounding and why is it important?

We hear the word ‘ground’ often – everyday actually but don’t think much of it, as a matter of fact I think we take it for granted.

We live on the ground, the ground which is the earth. Our feet are on it and we’re standing on it everyday. But again, we don’t think much of it.

Grounding is important because when we don’t ground, our energy can be all over the place and it’s more likely that things can go wrong throughout your day. We might even find ourselves in a situation that we didn’t see coming because we didn’t ground ourselves.

So what is grounding then?

Grounding is the intentional act of connecting to your body, the ground and to the earth.

You might be thinking to yourself as you read this ‘but I’m already on the ground, I’m already here.’

Are you really here though, or is your spirit wandering while someone is talking to you? You can be physically ‘here’ but still wander. Every single one of us is definitely guilty of daydreaming, thinking about yesterday, worrying about the future or just overthinking in general. We all get distracted one way or another.

So, how do we ground?

We ground by visualizing that we are connected to the earth through a grounding cord. Your grounding cord can be anything.

One of the ways to achieve this is by visualizing roots coming out of your feet and going deep into the ground just like a tree, or you can imagine an electric bolt of lightning piercing through you and running straight into the ground, straight into the core of the earth.

Most people use the tree as a perfect metaphor for grounding: a tree has its roots planted firmly into the earth. It is not easily shaken or will fall down if it’s a windy day, nor will it just slip away when it’s raining hard.

This is what we want to achieve when we are grounding ourselves – we want to be firmly ‘planted’ to the ground and not be swayed when we’re faced with stressful people or situations. You want to be calm and centered.

Do this everyday – before you leave your home, before you start driving or whenever you just feel ‘spacey’. You can ground wherever you are, even when you’re just standing somewhere.

Some popular crystals and stones that can help with grounding:

Agates – calm and stabilizing

Black Tourmaline – protects and purifies

Hematite – great for those who are extra spaced out

Obsidian – protects and releases

Jaspers – nurturing and creative Earth energy

Jet – protects

Smokey Quartz – transmutes negative energy

Even Quartz crystals when programmed, can be used for grounding; crystals and stones that are of a darker color – black, brown, gray, red.

You can place them near you whether at home or at work, you can also place them in your car.

The above photo is a Smokey Himalayan Quartz cluster and it’s available for purchase here.

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Video: Women Try Crystal Healing For Chronic Pain

I stumbled upon this interesting video while considering another certification in crystal healing.

What was so interesting about it? The two girls seemed like total skeptics to me, which is a perfect example because that’s how most of us start when trying something we don’t fully understand – we laugh and joke about it but were still willing to try it anyway.

What was even more interesting was that while one girl went 180 the other one still remained skeptical. Overall it was worth a watch, I also admire how the crystal healer handled these two women with such grace and power.

I posted this video here because while I am running this crystal shop, I am also delving deeper by expanding my knowledge and experience in these healing modalities. I just love this kind of stuff so it fascinates and inspires me even more when I can witness the subtle power of a crystal healing.

To me, a crystal healing is not just the healer and the crystals doing the healing – the person receiving the healing is also a participant in their own healing. In fact, a crystal healing may even be the catalyst for your self-healing journey – as I believe that people can heal themselves. Your higher self lead you to the experience for a reason.

If you are interested in getting a session from this lovely woman, her name is Jules and her website is Auralux – she is located here in Los Angeles, CA. I do not know her yet and she doesn’t know me, but wanted to share her information with you.

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Learning the Ancient Art of Crystal Healing

I wasn’t sure where to post this for a few reasons:

  1. It’s personal
  2. This is a crystal shop blog
  3. I actually have a few websites

But at the same time, I wanted to post it here because:

  1. It is about crystals
  2. It’s also about crystal healing, which is tied to the use of crystals and stones
  3. Maybe you want to learn it too and so I figured I would share my learning experience here.😊
  4. I promised myself that I would blog here once a week.

Some of the possible reasons why you’re wanting to learn crystal healing or crystal therapy:

  1. You have a strong desire to know and heal yourself.
  2. You want to expand and deepen your knowledge of crystals and stones.
  3. You want to understand how crystals can actually heal the mind, body and spirit.
  4. You want to be in greater service to yourself and others.

I wanted to learn crystal healing for some time now, but didn’t know where to go.

There are a few reputable places to learn online and you’ve probably heard of them – Hibiscus Moon, Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy, Krista Mitchell and more that I can’t think of at the moment.

There’s also a very informative book series on the subject that I think a lot of the online schools I mentioned above use to teach crystal healing to students. I also reference it a lot throughout Metaphysical Vibes shop website, it’s called Crystal Healing Volumes 1-3 by Katrina Raphaell – I’ve added a link to the first book. Katrina really goes in depth with each of her books and I have so much love, gratitude and respect for all the knowledge that she shared.

Ultimately, as much as these online courses offered lots of useful information and flexibility – I just wasn’t sure if I could commit to it fully.

The thing with online courses is (they’re great, don’t get me wrong) – sometimes the information doesn’t stick, at least for me.

Also because it’s so convenient, I mean you’re learning online and from home – distraction and laziness ensues. Go figure!

But if I commit to getting up every weekend; showering, dressing up, driving and attending an actual class, learning from an actual person and partnering up with different people in your class, then the information sinks in a lot more.

So I decided it would be best to learn in person and went with the highly venerated Rev. Patricia Bankins who just so happened to be offering her 8 week course on Trans Crystal Therapy. She is the founder and owner of The Crystal Matrix here in Los Angeles, CA.

Update 6/12/18: I completed the 8 week course and my final on June 9th, 2018. I am officially a Certified Trans Crystal Therapist⭐

To tell you the truth, I really don’t know what compelled me to start learning all of this.

The only thing I can really think of is that I needed to heal parts of myself so I can be better qualified to assist others with their own healing, even though I really don’t consider myself a ‘healer’. You can read more about it here on my personal blog.

Also, when I started Metaphysical Vibes – my initial goal was to have an online crystal shop, make money and hopefully quit my fulltime job. Needless to say, the crystals wanted me to experience something beyond those superficial desires.

I have learned so much about the chakras and the corresponding crystals or stones, sensing and feeling the aura, acupressure points, meridians and so much more. I even witnessed a girl in my class experience an intense emotional release through it.

I’m pretty certain that the crystals lead me to this point so I could be in service to others on a deeper level.

I have so many teachers to thank really, but I will save it for another blog post.πŸ’–

So we’ll see where this goes!

If you are in Los Angeles and want to learn Trans Crystal Therapy; I believe Patricia offers TCT Level 1 & 2 once a year. Visit The Crystal Matrix for more information.


In short, if you want to learn crystal healing or crystal therapy, you’ll have to decide how you want to learn. Trust that you’ll pick whatever is right for you.😊

Taking an online course is definitely easier as it gives direct access to those who may not have access to these courses in their local area.

But if you would rather learn in person like I did, then start searching for a local teacher. You can also read books on the subject, and you can also ask someone who is a crystal healer or crystal therapist how they learned.

Update September 19, 2018:

This blog post was published on May 11, 2018. I have created a separate website for my Reiki / Crystal Healing / Crystal Therapy practice. If you are in the Los Angeles area and would like a session, please visit Crystal Healer LA.



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Self Love Healing with Affirmations and Rose QuartzπŸ’ŽπŸ’—πŸ’ŽπŸ’—

S E L FΒ  L O V EπŸ’—

Everyone is talking about it, including myself.

But what is it?

S E L FΒ  L O V EΒ  is…

Becoming loving towards yourself.

S E L FΒ  L O V EΒ  is…

Speaking to yourself in the most loving and kind way.

Treating yourself like you would your best friend.

Forgiving yourself for past mistakes.

Actively listening to your own wants and needs.

I could keep going but I think you get my drift.

Why is self love important?

Self love is important because it can directly affect our health. If you’re into metaphysical topics, most books and teachers on the subject say this:

dis-ease manifests in our body before we even feel it; it starts in the invisible parts of ourselves (the etheric body and our aura) which is directly related to our thoughts and emotions.

I realize that the statement above probably sounds really vague, abstract and kind of ‘out there’. Believe me when I say that these concepts were foreign to me at some point too, but if it interests you enough then the information will start to sink in.😊

Know that you are not just your physical body – you also have an emotional, mental and spiritual body; four bodies total.

Now if you REALLY want to get technical, we actually have more than 4 bodies and more than 7 chakras. I will stick to the topic and save that for another blog post.

So it is important to begin to think loving thoughts about ourselves, it’s important to drop the negativity and the self hate. When have you ever felt good and happy about saying bad things about yourself?

If it doesn’t feel good, then why continue?

I used to be in the same boat as you; I was always quick to call myself stupid, an idiot or a dumbass. I wasn’t kind to myself and I was especially harsh about my looks. I often thought I was fat and ugly.

After awhile, you notice that you just don’t feel good about yourself and the pattern of negativity keeps on repeating. You keep having the same experiences that seem to suck or drain your energy dry, like stressful relationships with people where nothing ever goes smoothly or just being constantly overworked at your job.

And so you resulted in eating bad food or drinking and doing drugs. Or doing things that push those negative feelings down or numb the pain.

And then it just keeps on happening over and over again and you can’t get out.

Perhaps you’re stuck in a similar kind of pattern in life that keeps on repeating that you’d like to get out of.

What are these patterns that I’m talking about? Patterns come in the form of negative thoughts, feelings, behaviors, actions.

I never considered myself super feminine or girly so I was not attracted to Rose Quartz for a long time. One of the books that really changed my life though is a book by Louise Hay called You Can Heal Your Life. The affirmations in that book were simple and really helped me to reprogram my brain to think better thoughts about myself.

What does self love have to do with Rose Quartz?

A whole lot actually, being that Rose Quartz IS only the most popular stone for healing our hearts and learning to love ourselves. No matter what gender you are, if you are ready to let love back in, you will be attracted to Rose Quartz.πŸ’—πŸŒΉπŸ’—

You can start by just simply getting some Rose Quartz in raw or polished form (spheres, pyramids, self-standing towers, whatever your preference) and start putting it in your bedroom. In some ways, you don’t really have to do anything because just by you intending to get the stone and wanting to place it in your home, the healing has already begun. Crystals and stones are intelligent in that way and Rose Quartz immediately starts to do its gentle yet powerful work without you realizing it.🌸

Suggestion: combine Rose Quartz with an affirmation.

Hold your Rose Quartz to your heart, close your eyes and begin breathing in and out for a few minutes. You can think about what it is you’d like to let go of or just breathe. Whatever you choose, know that Rose Quartz is already healing you.

You can say “I am a loving and beautiful person”

or you can say your name and then say “I love and accept you as you are”.

In Louise Hay’s book, she suggests that we do this in front of a mirror. For me, it was kind of hard to look at myself and say “I love and accept you as you are” but if you keep practicing you will eventually dissolve those blocks of discomfort.


When we are actively working with Rose Quartz and using affirmations on a regular basis, we can learn to undo the negative thought patterns that tend to occupy the mind which lead to physical manifestation that is often not good for us.

As the late Louise Hay says – YOU can heal your life.

We have some Rose Quartz – hearts and palm stones for sale at the shop

Question: I am a man, identify as a male or have masculine qualities so I’m not attracted to Rose Quartz or anything pink at all. Are there other stones I can work with?

Yes! In the Chakra system, the heart center is actually associated with the color green. You can work with any green stone – Green Adventurine, Green Apophyllite, Nephrite Jade, Peridot and Serpentine are a few examples. You can also work with a Quartz crystal, as it is known as a Master crystal that is used for all purposes.

As a matter of fact, you can work with any crystal or stone that personally represents love to you. Rose Quartz is just a starting point but it doesn’t have to be.

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How Can We Experience “Heaven on Earth”?

I’ve been seeing the phrase “heaven on earth” a lot more lately; I didn’t know what it fully meant until I started delving into meditation and working with crystals.

When I think of heaven, I immediately think of how the movies portray heaven to be like: puffy white clouds, a golden gate, everyone is wearing white…

Sounds kinda boring actually.

But how many of us really know what heaven is supposed to look like anyway? So in the meantime, let’s imagine the next best thing…

or better yet, let’s live it!


heaven on earth


To me, heaven on earth means to be present. To live in this now moment and appreciate it to the fullest. Once we decide to be present, we start to notice little things that perhaps we’ve never really noticed before and it takes on an extra, almost unexplainable dimension.

It becomes magical.

Depending on how you perceive life, this can be easy or difficult.

Here are some simple suggestions on ways to experience heaven on earth; I believe that each of us is probably already doing this one way or another – the only difference is that you are fully present, aware & conscious of doing these things:

Waking up, paying attention to your breath and saying ‘thank you’. How often do we really pay attention to the simple act of breathing? If we didn’t breathe, we wouldn’t be alive.

Wake up early and witness the sun rising, or go to the beach and witness the sun setting and see how amazing the sky looks during. The colors of the sky are simply breathtaking during those two daily, natural events.

Hanging out with crystals; I find that by going to a local metaphysical store that has lots of beautiful crystals can literally feel like heaven on earth! It’s hard to be in a bad mood when you’re surrounded by crystals.

Find enjoyment and pleasure in whatever you are doing – especially the mundane, day-to-day stuff; whether you’re driving, washing dishes or working at your computer.

Surround yourself with the things that you love and find to be beautiful. My home is filled with art, books, crystals and stones. A vase full of flowers.

Looking up at the night sky and appreciating the moon, planets and the stars.

Meditating in silence.

Learning something new.


Listening to your favorite song AND dancing.

Actively thinking positive thoughts and looking for ways to feel good without the need to use drugs.

The list can go on and on, really.

What are some of the ways you have personally experienced heaven on earth?

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An Excerpt Regarding Quartz Crystals from Vibrational Medicine by Richard Gerber, M.D.

So I have to admit – I’ve not read this book in its entirety. I kind of have a hard time finishing books but I do revisit when I am in the mood and when time permits; I find that I like to read when I’m procrastinating.😝 This book in particular has all the subjects that I’m into, but also hard to read in that it’s definitely NOT light reading; it was written by a physician exploring alternative therapies. Each chapter goes really in depth and has lots of long sounding words.

One of the really great benefits about having started up this crystal shop is that while I am selling crystals and stones, I also get to learn and educate myself more about them as well as the ancient art of crystal healing – which is experiencing a resurgence. This stuff excites me and I love reading about it.

So with my Smokey Quartz keeping the book flat for the photo, here is an excerpt that I read from the book Vibrational Medicine Chapter IX: Crystals & the Human Subtle Energetic System: The Rediscovery of an Ancient Healing Art