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How Can We Experience “Heaven on Earth”?

I’ve been seeing the phrase “heaven on earth” a lot more lately; I didn’t know what it fully meant until I started delving into meditation and working with crystals.

When I think of heaven, I immediately think of how the movies portray heaven to be like: puffy white clouds, a golden gate, everyone is wearing white…

Sounds kinda boring actually.

But how many of us really know what heaven is supposed to look like anyway? So in the meantime, let’s imagine the next best thing…

or better yet, let’s live it!


heaven on earth


To me, heaven on earth means to be present. To live in this now moment and appreciate it to the fullest. Once we decide to be present, we start to notice little things that perhaps we’ve never really noticed before and it takes on an extra, almost unexplainable dimension.

It becomes magical.

Depending on how you perceive life, this can be easy or difficult.

Here are some simple suggestions on ways to experience heaven on earth; I believe that each of us is probably already doing this one way or another – the only difference is that you are fully present, aware & conscious of doing these things:

Waking up, paying attention to your breath and saying ‘thank you’. How often do we really pay attention to the simple act of breathing? If we didn’t breathe, we wouldn’t be alive.

Wake up early and witness the sun rising, or go to the beach and witness the sun setting and see how amazing the sky looks during. The colors of the sky are simply breathtaking during those two daily, natural events.

Hanging out with crystals; I find that by going to a local metaphysical store that has lots of beautiful crystals can literally feel like heaven on earth! It’s hard to be in a bad mood when you’re surrounded by crystals.

Find enjoyment and pleasure in whatever you are doing – especially the mundane, day-to-day stuff; whether you’re driving, washing dishes or working at your computer.

Surround yourself with the things that you love and find to be beautiful. My home is filled with art, books, crystals and stones. A vase full of flowers.

Looking up at the night sky and appreciating the moon, planets and the stars.

Meditating in silence.

Learning something new.


Listening to your favorite song AND dancing.

Actively thinking positive thoughts and looking for ways to feel good without the need to use drugs.

The list can go on and on, really.

What are some of the ways you have personally experienced heaven on earth?

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What Is So Special About Aura Quartz Crystals?

I didn’t really pay attention to Aura Crystals – a name that is given to any Quartz crystal whose surface is permanently bonded with natural, vaporized metal oxides (Silver, Platinum, Titanium, Zircon, Gold, Cobalt, Niobium, etc. or a combination of these) through a process called Vapor or Vacuum Deposition – until I entered the business side of crystals.

And prior to that, I only had one Angel Aura Quartz crystal and didn’t really get any special vibes from it. It was pretty, but that was it. I also noticed that when I scratched the surface of the crystal with my fingernail the pastel rainbow metallic film came off, which told me that the aura crystal wasn’t of high quality to begin with.😐

Since then I have been somewhat obsessed with Aura Crystals, mostly wanting to know and even witness the process. What can I say, I am a bit of a nerd and obsessed with acquiring knowledge.🤓

Which brings me to the topic of this blog post: What is so special about Aura Quartz crystals?

As I don’t quite understand my own growing fascination with them and the actual process of how they came to be, here’s my take on what makes them stand out:

+ Their intense metallic, vivid and iridescent colors instantly pulls you in and makes you say “wow”! I’d like to think that Aura Crystals work best through Color Therapy

+ They’re shiny, sparkly and look really cool on a cluster of crystals.

+ They really command your attention somehow because of their striking beauty.

+ The shape of the Quartz specimen – whether it’s a little point, a tumbled stone, a polished self-standing (or flat-bottom) tower, a cluster, a sphere, a geode, a Quartz unicorn carving or a giant, magnificent crystal is truly enhanced by the Aura treatment; you simply CANNOT pass by and ignore it.

I didn’t think they were special until I started to buy them for the shop, until I actually started to see better quality Aura Crystals, until I saw that people really loved them.

Also important to know: Aura Quartz is NOT the same as Aurora Quartz!

I learned recently that there is a natural Quartz crystal called Aurora Quartz or Anandalite. Apparently it exhibits natural rainbow flashes from within the crystal and it looks similar to Apophyllite.

Another important question: do you feel anything off these Aura Crystals?

This question is highly subjective and will vary from person to person as some people will say that Aura Crystals are manmade, while others will say it’s an alchemical union between nature (crystals) and science (the aura treatment process). But even manmade stuff uses raw materials from the earth so if you think about it, literally EVERYTHING comes from the earth.

I will however, say this: always trust your own intuition. Always trust your own feelings: if you love Aura Quartz, then keep on loving it; if you don’t, then you don’t. It’s that simple.😊

If you’re not feeling anything off of them but still like them, you can always put your Aura crystals on or near a Clear Quartz cluster to cleanse or purify them or put them around other natural crystals. A Selenite slab would also be good for this.

If you love Aura Crystals please feel free to check out our selection at Metaphysical Vibes.

So tell us, why do you love Aura Quartz crystals; which one is your favorite?

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What Was Your First Experience with Crystals?

My first experience with crystals was through a movie that I absolutely loved as a kid, The Dark Crystal. I watched it over and over and was so enchanted by it.

Little did I know that 30+ plus years later that I would be working with crystals in a way that I didn’t forsee. Crystals are mysterious in way that they come into your life at the right time; it may seem as if we’re the only ones orchestrating events in our lives because we have the ability to think but I also think nature and the cosmic forces of our vast universe have their own way of orchestrating synchronicity or divine timing. Call it the universal intelligence.

I’m not a rockhound whatsoever; I started liking crystals & stones because of their healing properties.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that you’re never too old to get into crystals – everything happens at the perfect time. If you are drawn to crystals right now, there is probably a valid reason for it.

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Graphic Design & Digital Art Inspiration from Alycia Rainaud✖️

I’m highly inspired by visuals whether it’s through art, graphic design, motion graphics, textures, nature’s patterns or crystals. Anything that’s visually striking and not only stimulates my regular vision but my third eye as well pretty much touches the inner depths of my occult soul.✨👁✨

And so that’s why I asked the lovely Alycia Rainaud to repurpose an image she created into the fantastic header you now see on the Metaphysical Vibes website. Something about that particular texture reminded me of striated crystalline structures like Black Tourmaline and how other crystals such Aquamarine, Labradorite or Tanzanite look just to name a few.

You can check out her amazing work on Instagram or Society 6.

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SOLD: Blue Tiger’s Eye Crystal Skull

Crystal skulls are carvings made out of crystal or stone – they may be realistic (like the one we have above) or humanoid. They can also be heads of powerful and magical creatures like unicorns and dragons. It is said that crystal skulls are much like the internet as they carry vast amounts of information from different places; some say they carry knowledge and wisdom from other star systems, some say they contain the consciousness of extraterrestrial beings, some say they hold the Akashic Records or some say they hold all of the above.

Whatever information and knowledge they hold, we strongly believe that they are here to teach us something.

Check out this amazing and extensive online store and resource: Crystal Skulls

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Metaphysical Art Inspiration from Kamora Jones

We love art of all sorts here at Metaphysical Vibes. Check out the digital art of Kamora Jones, who kindly gave us permission to post it on here. I had a hard time picking one to post since I’ve been digging everything that she’s been creating and sharing on her feed but this one is pretty amazing. Follow her on Instagram at @artsoldier77