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Crystals for Sale: Quartz Crystals That Look Like Spaceships!๐Ÿš€

I’ve been thinking a lot about cosmic starseedsย lately and wondering if I am one.

I’ve also been YouTubing Light Language these last few weeks and luckily I’m attending a Light Language Activation at Open Eye Crystals today. I’ve been reading online a lot about these subjects and even though I feel as if I don’t really fit the description of a starseed, I’m still fascinated by the idea that I could be one.โœจ

I mean, why does this stuff even interest me, you know? There HAS to be a reason why my spirit pulls me in these particular directions.

So I posted this neat Quartz crystal cluster on my Instagram recently. It’s a Laser Quartz cluster from Diamantina region in Brazil. I chose this cluster from a group of similar crystal clusters because of the way the crystals are formed – nearly angled horizontally and tabular almost like the top surface of a spacecraft.

So I hope whoever resonates with this crystal cluster will see the same thing as me as it truly feels out of this world and wouldn’t mind hanging on to it a bit longer. Since Quartz is known to amplify energy, the fact that I think this looks like a spaceship can literally induce multidimensional travel during meditation.

And what do I mean by ‘multidimensional travel’?

Even though we are in our physical bodies everyday, I also believe that we are constantly ‘traveling’ through our other bodies. Like when we daydream or dwell on a past memory or think about the future, or even when we’re scrolling through social media on our phones – we are traveling. It may not be a physical location, but it still exists as a dimension just like the tv show “The Twilight Zone”.

Let’s say for example that when you’re reading a book – you’re imagination is taking you to wherever that book is taking place – fiction or nonfiction. Even with a nonfiction book, your mental body – the intellectual part of you – has transported you to the information you’re absorbing.

You can also experience multidimensional travel through meditation. Ask your guides to take you there, I’m sure they will be more than glad to help.

This unique and one of a kind Laser Quartz cluster is available for purchase here at my Metaphysical Vibes’ Etsy shop.

I was also searching YouTube and found this interesting video about the Star Nations.

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