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Dark Healing Crystals & Stones for Dark Times

I mentioned briefly on my Instagram that if you’re not feeling safe or protected during this time – due to the virus and racism on top of stressful personal issues – job loss, which leads to less to no money, which leads to even more stress because bills can’t get paid, etc.

I am suggesting that you turn to the darker minerals such as Black Tourmaline, Smokey Quartz, or Obsidian.

I personally do not believe we’re in dark times, although it MAY seem that way. I’m also aware that people are struggling, angry and frustrated with the systems we live with. If anything, we are being stripped away of things that have been distracting us and keeping us in a state of illusion. We can now see the truth and who we really are as human beings.

Most crystals and stones featured in the photo are still available. They are:

2 Gold Sheen Obsidian spheres (SOLD)
2 Smokey Quartz
2 Obsidian
1 Smokey Amethyst (SOLD)
1 Black Tourmaline (SOLD)
1 Black Moonstone
1 Fluorescent Blue, 30 million year old Amber (SOLD)

Dark minerals are especially good with protection, shielding and transmuting our environments – including ourselves – from negative energies.

What are negative energies? Negative energy can feel like:

  • Stress
  • Not feeling good in your body
  • Anxiety
  • Fear
  • Anger
  • Hate
  • Arguing and wanting to be right
  • Judgements
  • Snappy or short temperedness
  • An ugly, traumatic memory from the past that keeps resurfacing, holding you hostage in the present moment.
  • Nervousness
  • Negative thoughts and statements
  • Regretting past actions and repeating them
  • Saying mean things to yourself

Too much stress eventually leads to physical manifestations of pain and dis-ease. It is perfectly okay to feel these negative emotions; allow them to be expressed and pass through you. You must learn to destress and find peace in the midst of chaos – your health literally depends on it!

Dark minerals help with grounding and manifestation; releasing feelings of not feeling safe or secure, releasing anxiety, stress, and fear.

While holding your dark stone you can take long, deep breaths and repeat the words “I am safe from inner and outer harm”.

I am safe from inner and outer harm.
I am safe from inner and outer harm.
I am safe from inner and outer harm.
And so it is.

Repeating this affirmation will program your mind, body and soul. Remember that your external or outer state is usually a reflection of your internal or inner state.

We are energy existing in a human body. And if energy cannot be created or destroyed but simply transformed from one state into another, then we have changed forms SO. MANY. TIMES. Our human existence may seem relatively short compared to the life of a crystal or a stone, but know that we are just as ancient. It would be overwhelming to remember ALL our lifetimes, it would make you crazy. And so we are “born again” into a new body, thinking we are “new”. We are in a constant state of amnesia until we have a so-called “spiritual awakening” which is really just a remembrance of who you really are.

Once you realize this then there is nothing to fear.

Of course you are still in a human body and so you have to adhere to human rules in society. So be considerate, wear a mask.

Also perfect since we’re in dark moon / new moon time.

Rest and dream up your vision of the future that liberates all people from their suffering.

You can find these minerals at Metaphysical Vibes online crystal shop.

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Death of My Friend and a 2020 Update from Metaphysical Vibes

It’s true – I’ve lost interest and motivation in posting for Metaphysical Vibes.

Roxy, my best friend of 13 years passed away unexpectedly on October 20, 2019. I haven’t been the same ever since. Though I am functioning for the most part, I know that I’m still grieving and will be sad for a long time.

I know that death is not the end, but merely a transition from this existence to another. I’ve come to realize that no matter how much I understand these metaphysical concepts, the death of a loved one will always be a difficult time for any person to experience including me.

So if you’re wondering why I’ve gone quiet, that is the main reason.

Luckily, the stones have been helping me get through it. My go to stones for grieving have been from my personal collection: Aura Rose Quartz, Rhodochrosite, Jade, Obsidian. Tigers Eye to keep on moving, Nuumite to call my personal magic back, Magnetite to stay grounded. A person who follows me on Instagram recommended Snowflake Obsidian which I don’t have but I’ve managed to self heal without it.

Another reason I’ve lost motivation for selling crystals is that Etsy – where majority of my crystal sales come from – has changed the way they do things on their platform. You basically now have to advertise in order for your listings to be seen.

So instead of people finding you organically through search, they want you to pay to be found. So my sales have gone down tremendously. It’s frustrating but there’s nothing I can do about it.

I will still keep this website and try to add more crystals when I feel like it, but for now…I’m just leaving this up.

I’ve been spending more time building up Crystal Healer LA. So if you’re looking for me, that’s where I’ve been.

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Grounding with Crystals & Stones

Grounding – you probably hear that word a lot if you’re into metaphysical or spiritual topics.

But what IS grounding and why is it important?

We hear the word ‘ground’ often – everyday actually but don’t think much of it, as a matter of fact I think we take it for granted.

We live on the ground, the ground which is the earth. Our feet are on it and we’re standing on it everyday. But again, we don’t think much of it.

Grounding is important because when we don’t ground, our energy can be all over the place and it’s more likely that things can go wrong throughout your day. We might even find ourselves in a situation that we didn’t see coming because we didn’t ground ourselves.

So what is grounding then?

Grounding is the intentional act of connecting to your body, the ground and to the earth.

You might be thinking to yourself as you read this ‘but I’m already on the ground, I’m already here.’

Are you really here though, or is your spirit wandering while someone is talking to you? You can be physically ‘here’ but still wander. Every single one of us is definitely guilty of daydreaming, thinking about yesterday, worrying about the future or just overthinking in general. We all get distracted one way or another.

So, how do we ground?

We ground by visualizing that we are connected to the earth through a grounding cord. Your grounding cord can be anything.

One of the ways to achieve this is by visualizing roots coming out of your feet and going deep into the ground just like a tree, or you can imagine an electric bolt of lightning piercing through you and running straight into the ground, straight into the core of the earth.

Most people use the tree as a perfect metaphor for grounding: a tree has its roots planted firmly into the earth. It is not easily shaken or will fall down if it’s a windy day, nor will it just slip away when it’s raining hard.

This is what we want to achieve when we are grounding ourselves – we want to be firmly ‘planted’ to the ground and not be swayed when we’re faced with stressful people or situations. You want to be calm and centered.

Do this everyday – before you leave your home, before you start driving or whenever you just feel ‘spacey’. You can ground wherever you are, even when you’re just standing somewhere.

Some popular crystals and stones that can help with grounding:

Agates – calm and stabilizing

Black Tourmaline – protects and purifies

Hematite – great for those who are extra spaced out

Obsidian – protects and releases

Jaspers – nurturing and creative Earth energy

Jet – protects

Smokey Quartz – transmutes negative energy

Even Quartz crystals when programmed, can be used for grounding; crystals and stones that are of a darker color – black, brown, gray, red.

You can place them near you whether at home or at work, you can also place them in your car.

The above photo is a Smokey Himalayan Quartz cluster and it’s available for purchase here.

Crystals & Stones By Name

Here’s a full list of Crystals and Stones we have available by name:


7 Stone Chakra Sets




Ammonite Fossil

Angel Aura


Aqua Aura

Black Moonstone

Black Tourmaline

Blue Calcite




Chakra – Seven Stone Sets

Chalcedony Amethyst


Dichroic Titanium Kyanite

Fuchsite Kyanite

Girasol Opalized Quartz

Golden Healer Quartz

Himalayan Quartz






Lemurian Quartz

Lodolite Quartz



Ocean Jasper Druzy

Opalized Ammonite Fossil

Phantom Chlorite Quartz

Quartz with Inclusions

Red Rutilated Smokey Quartz with Hematite

Royal Purple Aura

Rutilated “Angel Hair” Quartz

Rose Quartz

Smokey Himalayan Quartz Cluster

Smokey Quartz

Sunset Aura

Super Seven

Tiger’s Eye

Titanium Rainbow Aura Quartz

Titanium Smoky Quartz
