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3 Reasons Why You Might Be Drawn to Rocksβœ¨πŸ’Žβœ¨

People tend to ask the question “why am I drawn to rocks”?πŸ—Ώ and then they end up here on this website.😊

That’s a really good question to ponder or ask Google, lol.

Ask yourself: why ARE you drawn to rocks?

Here are some ideas based off personal experience – of course take only whatever resonates with you:

1. Your intuition, your soul, higher self, higher consciousness – whatever you want to call it – wants to communicate with you through the stones.

It can’t seem to get your attention in this noisy, fast-paced world we live in so it’s trying to get your attention through the crystals and/or stones.

1a. Why would a stone want to communicate with me?

If you are drawn to the stones in the first place, then there is a mutual resonance happening; in other words – you are vibing with the crystal. Just follow it and see where it goes. If you knew everything there was to know about our beautiful and mysterious earth, we wouldn’t be here to discover it.

2. There’s probably something you need from the rocks that it can only provide at that exact moment in time:

+ some kind of healing or spiritual insight
+ learning how to tune out the world around you to find the answers you seek
+ learning how to slow down and be still and most importantly:
+ learning how to listen to yourself.

3. In Native American tradition, everything on this beautiful earth is considered a relative – the trees, the plants, the animals.

The phrase “all my relations” originates from them, calling rocks the Stone People. Stone People hold ancient memory and records of the Earth. They have medicine and we must learn to listen in order to receive it. Read more about the Stone People here and here.

In other words, you probably have some deep listening to do.

But what about the meme about the rocks in the driveway…why am I not attracted to those?

Those rocks are the mundane part of this world. We see them ALL the time so we just don’t notice them as much.

Our personal electromagnetic energy field also known as our aura is composed of light and color frequencies therefore we are attracted to the same.

Our souls love the light filled crystals and colorful, iridescent stones.

Bonus reason you might be drawn to rocks: depending on the element of your astrological sign – for example, all humans are a combination of fire, air, earth and water – you might be naturally attracted to rocks because you just need to be grounded and anchored. This is especially true for those who are fire, air or water dominant.


There really are countless reasons as to why a person is drawn to rocks. This is just a few of them and hopefully gives you some food for thought.

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