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What Was Your First Experience with Crystals?

My first experience with crystals was through a movie that I absolutely loved as a kid, The Dark Crystal. I watched it over and over and was so enchanted by it.

Little did I know that 30+ plus years later that I would be working with crystals in a way that I didn’t forsee. Crystals are mysterious in way that they come into your life at the right time; it may seem as if we’re the only ones orchestrating events in our lives because we have the ability to think but I also think nature and the cosmic forces of our vast universe have their own way of orchestrating synchronicity or divine timing. Call it the universal intelligence.

I’m not a rockhound whatsoever; I started liking crystals & stones because of their healing properties.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that you’re never too old to get into crystals – everything happens at the perfect time. If you are drawn to crystals right now, there is probably a valid reason for it.

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