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A Love + Gratitude Crystal Grid πŸŒΉπŸŒ•πŸŒΉ Aries Full Moon October 2017

Remember the blog posts I wrote titled “what can crystals do for you”? You can revisit Part I and Part II.

Well what about this – what can YOU do for the crystals?

You can create a crystal grid.

What is a crystal grid?

A crystal grid is a formation of crystals and stones usually formed in a sacred geometrical pattern to focus your will and intention to create real results in your life.

In other words, you are creating magic.

You can create a small crystal grid using just 5 crystals – one for each element – air, water, fire, earth + spirit; with one main “amplifying” crystal in the middle. Or you can create a larger grid, like I did here with two glass pillar candles, a vase of roses and included as many crystals from my inventory and personal collection. The main takeaway is to work with what you have.πŸ’Ž

I wanted to create a Love and Gratitude grid to honor and give thanks to the crystals and stones in assisting me with making Metaphysical Vibes a success; the shop would not be what it is without them so it was only fitting to do something special for them on this Friday night for two reasons:

+ Fridays are associated with the planet Venus and goddess Venus/Aphrodite. Venus is about love, beauty, desire, sensuality, independence. Here is a really great article and more information about Planetary Magick 4: Venus, Love and Money

+ Last night was still a Full Moon in Aries. I started this business 6 months ago in the month of Aries, April 22nd on Earth Day.

I may never fully understand the power of crystals, but I feel their subtle influence in my life immensely. I had to give back somehow by showing them I am grateful that they are here with me now. They will be going to their new homes eventually, but until then I want to let them know that I truly appreciate their presence.

I used a red candle for love, beauty, appreciation, passion. I think if you start up a business, being passionate about the products or services you sell is really important. Red is also synonymous with Aries energy; Aries energy is about willpower, initiative, determination, courage, passion.

I used a yellow candle for gratitude, success, for strengthening manifestation work, for mental clarity and solar power.

Red roses in the middle of the grid to enforce my love and admiration for the crystals. Love is the highest vibration we can offer to others as well as to ourselves.

And finally, I set out the crystals and stones in mandala formation.

I sat in silence with the full moon and the crystal grid, with my neighbor’s dog barking and sirens wailing around feeling grateful for all that has transpired in these last 6 months.


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