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Finding the Perfect Crystal or Stone is a Personal Experience

Let’s take a look at this word:



1. direct perception of truth, fact, etc., independent of any reasoning process; immediate apprehension.

2. a fact, truth, etc., perceived in this way.

3. a keen and quick insight.

4. the quality or ability of having such direct perception or quick insight.

What does the word ‘intution’ have to do with crystals?

A WHOLE lot, actually…more like EVERYTHING.

You see, people (myself included) are on the internet searching for something – they’re searching for answers to their questions like:

How do I cleanse, clear and charge my crystals

Which crystal should I buy

Which crystal or stone will takeaway my anxiety, depression, etc.

and so on and so on

It’s okay to search for answers to questions (I do it all the time), read books or follow your favorite thought leaders on social media, but at some point you also have to learn to trust your own feelings. Listen to your inner voice.

Why is it important to trust your feelings? Because feelings express YOUR truth.

Have you ever felt weird about something or someone but ignored it anyway and then something involving that same exact person or situation went completely wrong because you didn’t trust your initial feelings of weirdness?

Have you ever listened to music or saw something that just made you feel good?

I’m writing this blog post right now and it may or may not resonate with you. You may not agree with what I’m writing here and that’s okay!

It’s also important to trust your own inner compass because there’s lots of false gurus out there.

There’s also a lot of recycled, hackneyed quotes regarding crystals, entrepreneurship, self-help, spirituality and literally every topic imaginable.

There’s a lot of everything and it can easily get overwhelming.

So it is the exact same way with crystals and stones – there’s A LOT to choose from and it can start to feel overwhelming.

But the best part of choosing crystals?

Not all of them are going to vibe with you, not all of them are going to scream “pick me, pick me!” all at once.

Each crystal and stone is unique and one of a kind, no two are alike. It will be a completely subjective and personal experience and I guarantee you will be delighted.

If a crystal is calling you, you probably won’t be able to leave the store without buying it. Or maybe you left and you’re still thinking about that particular crystal. Safe to say that it was probably meant for you.

Whether you like shopping online or going to your local metaphysical store, go and have fun searching for that crystal or stone that’s calling you!😊


So I had originally used the word ‘subjective’ for this blog post before switching it to ‘intution’. This one works too if you’re not quite sure how intuition is supposed to work when choosing crystals:



1. existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought (opposed to objective).

2. pertaining to or characteristic of an individual; personal; individual:
a subjective evaluation.

3. placing excessive emphasis on one’s own moods, attitudes, opinions, etc.; unduly egocentric.

4. Philosophy. relating to or of the nature of an object as it is known in the mind as distinct from a thing in itself.

5. relating to properties or specific conditions of the mind as distinguished from general or universal experience.


You don’t always have to rely on internet search to find the perfect crystal or stone for you.

Trust yourself to make that decision, trust your intution.

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