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Everything Takes Time to Grow and Evolve

Everything takes time to grow and evolve…

especially us humans.

As I think about how to grow my crystal shop online through writing content, sharing it on social channels, SEO, etc., I started pondering how long it took for crystals to grow into the beautiful crystalline beings they are now.

In comparison, crystal growth takes A LOT longer than human consciousness. It ONLY took our Earth 4 BILLION+ years to be where she is now and I’m pretty sure she’s not done.

So why is it so hard to just be patient with ourselves?

Why is it so hard to just ‘be’ where we are right now?

Because humans have this innate desire to create and be something; I believe we are descendants of a higher intelligence that coded this into our existence. There’s even a few scientific articles that states we have alien DNA in our bodies. Is it a possibility that these aliens are actually us?👽

But I digress.

I ask these questions because I am the same exact way. Sometimes I am impatient and a bit hard on myself, I want to see results right now.

Ever since I was kid I couldn’t ‘wait’ to be a grownup. I couldn’t wait to get my driver’s license, drive and go places. When I was 15 years old, I couldn’t ‘wait’ to be 18 so I could finally be independent and away from my parents.

My issues sound really mundane, but a lot of us actually think this way.

Just like Luke Skywalker in Star Wars – I was always looking ahead to the future.

And so now looking back at my childhood as an adult, everything seems like a blur. I wasn’t very present, I always wanted to escape somehow.

I guess what I’m trying to say here is 🐢SLOW DOWN🐢 and enjoy the growth process itself.

At times the growth process will fluctuate between fun and exciting to annoying and uncomfortable, but try to ‘be with’ whatever it is you are experiencing right now.

I wish I had done this, but even as I write this I know that people will learn things when the time is right for them to do so.

Living in the age of the internet doesn’t help – we want convenience and instant EVERYTHING.

The more reason to practice patience, self love and gratitude for where you are now.

In some ways, I am glad to have been chosen as a crystal custodian as the crystals will always teach us something. Perhaps that is why they chose me, so I can learn to slow down and enjoy the now, for this exact moment will never be repeated again.

Growth, evolution and healing takes time. Be patient, be kind and most of all loving towards yourself – people will come and go in your life but in the end – you are the only person you have to live with for the rest of your life.

✨This Amethyst sphere has sold. Visit Metaphysical Vibes Crystal Shop to see our selection of unique healing crystals & stones.

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