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Can Crystals Be Dangerous?๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿค”โ˜ ๏ธ

I saw this search phrase pop up on the website so I felt the need to write a blog post about it.

The question is: Can Crystals Be Dangerous?

Let’s look at this question from a few aspects:


From a physical point of view, yes they can be; they are minerals after all with very sharp points and edges. If you’re not careful handling them, there’s a chance that the crystal will cut up your fingers or hands.

The physical labor of mining these beautiful crystals so we can all enjoy them is also a very dangerous job.

For example, check out this Instagram and look at their photos; they are Professional High Mountain Crystal Hunters. What they do looks dangerous AF especially in such cold climates. High risk for high rewards.


Our minds are very powerful. If our thoughts are energetic vibrations then our thoughts can affect physical reality. I mean, think about it: your life IS a manifestation of your thoughts. It is said that once upon a time, the ancient civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis misused the power of crystals. What we can learn from this is that we have to work with crystals that only serve the greater good of everyone, especially yourself.


This sort of ties in to the mental part. When the Lemurians & Atlanteans misused the crystals for their own selfish purposes, they completely forgot the spiritual aspect โ€“ of being connected and one with source energy.

We humans have a tendency to forget that we are spiritual beings having a human existence; we are often prone to greed and selfishness. And as a seller of crystals and stones, it’s always important for me to be mindful of this.


From an emotional point of view, crystals can be dangerous if we aren’t emotionally balanced. Since crystals hold neutral light energy, they can easily pick up on vibrations in the environment they’re in. For example: if you are in a living space with crystals and you tend to fight or argue with people in that same space – the crystal will pick up on that and reflect those bad vibes.

Definitely get into a routine of clearing your crystals while also clearing yourself of negative emotions on a regular basis.


So to answer the question: can crystals be dangerous? Crystals CAN be dangerous if we’re the ones not being conscious and aware of how we are working with them. Remember that we are stewards, caretakers of the earth. As with everything, use your best judgment, using a healthy mix of intuition with common sense.

The Twin Calcite crystal cluster featured in the photo is spiky and dangerous looking, but his energy is awesome. I think that’s why I was drawn to him. He has sold.


Below is a helpful resource from Hibiscus Moon:

Toxic Crystals and Stones

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