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Before You Speak…Think!

Photo / poster credit: unknown

T – is it TRUE?

H – is it HELPFUL?

I – is it INSPIRING?

N – is it NECESSARY?

K – is it KIND?

Sometimes I have mixed feelings about being in business; like there’s some things I just don’t want to deal with…like people, lol. I have lots of respect for those who work in retail and customer service, they deal with LOTS of people face to face on a daily basis.

That’s probably why I chose an online business, I consider myself to be mostly an introvert who’s good with using the internet, web design and social media stuff.

Another reason why an online business is perfect for me is because I’m really not into showing my face so much, but I’m working on it!

But even then, I’ll still have to deal with someone who is a critic or even worse, a mean person. Every business big or small has to deal with such types, I think. And other times it’s the other way around.

And so that’s why I posted this, as a reminder for myself and others not to lash out if and when someone decides to criticize any of us online. Remember, things stay on the internet for years; you don’t want to look bad by fighting fire with fire – not that fire is bad (I’m actually a fire sign in astrology), but I’m sure you know what I’m getting at here.

Think before you speak.

I’m open to criticism as I believe it can be constructive or even insightful, but if you do – please refer to the image above. Businesses and consumers are just like people in relationships, it definitely goes both ways. No one is perfect and everyone is doing their best.

Thank you!😊

Poster design: Unknown

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