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How to Break Through a Creative Block with Crystals

So I’m having a major creative block today. It’s gloomy and cold out here and even though today is Tuesday, a day associated with the planet Mars which is supposed to be all about action and energy – I don’t feel so motivated or action-oriented.

I want to crawl into bed and sleep, or read a good book then fall asleep. Then wake up and do absolutely nothing, or sit on the couch and scroll through Instagram and ‘like’ stuff.

Unfortunately, I can’t. I have a fulltime job and so I’m in front of the computer writing, thinking, trying to force some kind of creativity. If you’re a creative type then I know you can relate!

Creativity however, is not just limited to those ‘creative types’ that we normally think of – artists, designers, writers, musicians, etc. All of us, including the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms are in a constant state of creation.

But still, we all experience blocks.

How to Break Through a Creative Block with Crystals💎

Here is a quick and easy way to start generating ideas using the assistance of a crystal, stone or even a fossil:

Step 1: Whatever crystal or stone you have with you, take it out and hold it. Metaphysical teachers often say that for the best results, use your receptive hand.

For example, I write with my right hand so my left hand would be the receptive hand.

Step 2: While holding the crystal take a deep breath in, exhale and ask it to help you get inspired. You can even hold it up to your third eye / brow area if you want, as long as no one’s looking of course so you don’t feel silly about it.😉

If you don’t have anything with you, then search online for the first thing that pops into your mind, don’t spend too much time searching; trust that the first one you think of IS the crystal, stone or fossil you’re supposed to work with for this simple exercise.

Step 3: Spend a few minutes contemplating this crystal or stone (in my case, this large, gorgeous and iridescent Ammonite fossil). Observe its physical details – color, shape, any interesting characteristics that stand out to you; contemplate how long it took to grow and evolve and how far it actually traveled to get into your hands.

Step 4: Start writing in your notebook, journal or your blog – whatever you have in front of you.

Step 5: Thank the crystal or stone for helping you.

I want to add that maybe you might not instantly start getting ideas right away, it might happen now or maybe even later; either way give it time and be patient with yourself. Keep trying.

It’s easy to get caught up in ourselves, it’s easy to get swept away with what’s happening on social media, news, politics, etc.

We follow too many people thinking we’re going to get inspired by them when in reality we become overloaded with information and so we end up losing our very own selves, the very essence of who we are.

Thankfully we can work with crystals, stones or just about anything from nature to inspire us or get us back to our center. I know I definitely need to, as I work in graphics & marketing by day – I need to constantly have fresh ideas coming in.

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