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A Limitless and Infinite Being…But How?

How can we call ourselves “limitless” and “infinite”…if we are stuck in these very limiting and finite human bodies?

Tell me.

I’m writing this post because for a long time, I just didn’t get it.

Hearing spiritual people say things like “we are one” or “we are connected” often left me dumbfounded.

Hearing spiritual people say “you are an infinite and limitless being” confused me even more.

First off what does it all mean…and why do these people talk like that?

So yes, once upon a time I was new and didn’t understand what those people were saying. They all either sounded like riddles to me or a lot of abstract thinking that I just could not grasp. And rightfully so; I can look back now and say that certain information was presented to me ONLY when my mind was ready to know and receive more.

As of late though, my mind has been taking a back seat. The overuse of logical and analytical thinking can kill the trip we’re on. Use your intution instead.😊

So again, what does this have to do with crystals? Why do I keep writing about this stuff?

Because eventually you will realize that everything IS connected.

Crystals and stones lead to an awareness.

Awareness leads to consciousness.

Consciousness leads to becoming aware of your breathing.

Breathing leads to meditation, meditation leads to a still mind.

A still mind discovers that it is one with the Divine.

The Divine is also us. We are the universe experiencing itself.

Therefore, we are infinite beings…

we are connected, we are One.✨

It’s complex yet simple at the same time. Our existence is truly a paradox.

How am I so sure of this now?

I really don’t know to tell you the truth, but I’m learning to listen to the inner voice within me. I’m learning to listen to my body and my feelings. I’m learning to listen to the subtleties of energy. Know that you are capable of learning this too.

Surely if none of this stuff resonated with me, I would start to feel fear, confusion and doubt. Something would definitely feel ‘off’ and I would be resistant to receiving such information.

But that has not been the case with me at all as I have continuously over the years been drawn closer and closer to this kind of stuff. And if you’re reading this, then you are too.😊

Welcome to the rabbit hole!Β You will never see reality the same way ever again.πŸŒ€πŸ°πŸŒ€

So what’s next? Where do I go from here? Should I follow you?

Don’t follow me, rather follow whatever it is you’re into. Trust that whatever resonates with you is your truth, trust that whatever you’re into – your hobbies and interests that you don’t make any money off of but enjoy doing anyway – are leading you to your True Self, the real you.

Metatron’s Cube animated gif was created by me.

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