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Drawing: The Magical Eye of Pyrite and Lapis Lazuli

Whatever your eyes “see” is how you perceive the world.

I have a special relationship with Pyrite – it was the mineral that got me motivated to start up this online crystal shop 4 years ago. So I will always be grateful to Pyrite for getting me started on this adventure.

From Krista Mitchell’s book Change Your Energy:
Pyrite is masculine, extroverted, yang, aggressive energy that helps you thrive, push through obstacles and succeed. Boosts ambition, energy and will. Fires up the metabolism and aids digestion. Attracts money, wealth & prosperity. Excellent for manifestation.

As for Lapis Lazuli, this stone helped me to create a vision. Although the vision I imagined in my mind didn’t manifest in the exact way I pictured – it still was a catalyst for magical things to occur in my life. I never thought that I would be doing any of this let alone get into the healing aspect.

From The Pocket Book of Stones by Robert Simmons:
Lapis Lazuli is a stone of visionary awareness, bringing new information to the mind in images rather than words. It enhances intellectual ability, making one a better learner and teacher. Lapis is a stone of initiation as well – a catalyst for a mystical journey to higher awareness.

Here’s a marker drawing that I did recently, I hope to take a better photo soon and replace this. Lately I have expressed boredom with just posting crystals on Instagram so I’ve been trying to change it up.

Both the Pyrite and Lapis Lazuli stones have sold.

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The Power of Crystals – Coloring Book

I’m late to sharing this but hey, better late than never.

I was sent an awesome coloring book recently called The Power of Crystals – A Coloring Book of Healing Minerals, A to Z. The photos above feature the cover and a sample page.

I am a perfectionist so I have yet to color any of the pages but I have to say – I really appreciate the mineral drawings as they are very detailed. Even without coloring them, you can clearly see the dimensional aspects of each mineral that was illustrated. The descriptions also provide physical and metaphysical properties of the mineral group.

Here is a list of minerals that are included in the coloring book:
Agate, Amazonite, Amethyst
Calcite, Celestite, Copper
Herkimer Diamond
Lapis Lazuli
Selenite, Silver, Sulfur
Topaz, Tourmaline

Overall a fun and therapeutic activity for the mineral lover in your life.

Have a look at Diamond Dan Publications’ store

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An Oracle Pull & Healing Stones for January 1st, 2021

It’s the first day of a new year – the sun is in Capricorn and the moon is in Leo. The year is officially 2021.

While I wasn’t intending to pull a card I did so on a whim to post on my Instagram page and ended up pulling a 1 – SEER card from the Nature Nurture Oracle deck created by Marcella Kroll. From the booklet this card indicates:

Omens, prophecy, dream time and wisdom

It’s a powerful time to pay attention to the invisible world and receive messages in dreamtime or meditation. Social media has a way of keeping us forever distracted – always on our phones, having FOMO, or just scrolling and looking for the next fix. I get it, it happens to all of us…myself included.

Owls have long been associated with wisdom, knowledge and being able to ‘see’ through the dark so it only felt right to add these two lovely stones to the mix – a Labradorite and a Lapis Lazuli. Edit: only the Labradorite is available for purchase.

Why did I choose these stones?

As you probably already know, Labradorite is a stone of magic and can help you ‘tune in’ to your intuition or psychic ability.

I want to stress that the word ‘psychic‘ doesn’t literally mean “mind reader”. You may or may not gain mind reading powers with Labradorite BUT you’ll be able to tap in to a deeper aspect of yourself and begin to ‘see’ people’s energy beyond the surface level. We are layered beings and accessing your psychic abilities takes time and practice.

Lapis Lazuli is a stone of ancient wisdom and royalty. Just looking at the stone immediately takes you to the night sky, with flecks of Pyrite and Calcite as stars. The kings and queens of ancient Egypt adorned themselves with Lapis Lazuli, even wearing it into the afterlife.

According to Melody, Lapis can be placed over the third eye to aid one in developing insight into ones own dreams.

Both stones have different shades of blue so they naturally vibrate to your 5th chakra. The 5th chakra is associated with our throat – it enhances communication ability and the ability to speak our truth.

Back to the oracle card. One of the definitions of ‘seer‘ is

a person endowed with profound moral and spiritual insight or knowledge; a wise person or sage who possesses intuitive powers.

So let’s be like the owl who is a seer. Observe and see your life and those around you from a higher perspective.

Purchase this Labradorite palm stone at my Etsy shop.

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7 Healing Crystals & Stones for Your Chakras

Chakras – you’ve probably heard or read about them a lot these days. Look at the hashtag for ‘chakra’ or ‘chakras’ on Instagram and you’ll see over 2 million posts related to it.

But really though – what IS a chakra, and why is it important?

Chakras are basically energy centers of the energetic or subtle body. Though we can’t see them, they are often depicted as wheels or discs that are constantly spinning, each one a color of the rainbow. Together they form our human energetic field, sometimes called the rainbow body but more commonly known as the aura.

Although these are abstract concepts, we are actually experiencing the chakras at work daily through our thoughts, feelings and how we perceive life. Each chakra is also connected to organs in our physical body.Β 

For example, the color red represents our first chakra often called the root or base chakra – located at the end of our spine – the tailbone. This chakra represents our connectedness to our physical body and the earth as well as feeling centered, grounded and at home. When this chakra is imbalanced, we can expect to feel the opposite: feeling spaced out or not present, not connected to our body; not feeling safe.

How can healing stones help with our chakras?

The purpose of learning about our chakras is to bring awareness to our own actions and behaviors. We want to achieve balance and harmony in our energetic body because if we don’t, it eventually affects the physical body.

We can work with healing stones – stones that correlate to our chakras – to help bring us back into balance.

You can visit a crystal healer to assist you with this or you can do it yourself by placing stones along your body to effect healing.

Here is an example of healing stones you can work with to help balance the 7 chakras of your body:

1st Chakra – Red – Red Jasper, Smoky Quartz
Place in between your crotch area or right in between your upper thighs.

2nd Chakra – Orange – Carnelian, Garnet
Place on your abdomen area below the belly button.

3rd Chakra – Yellow – Citrine, Pyrite, Tiger’s Eye
Place on your stomach area above the belly button.

4th Chakra – Green (or Pink) – Green Aventurine, Rose Quartz
Place on your heart.

5th Chakra – Blue – Blue Lace Agate, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli
Place on your throat.

6th Chakra – Violet – Amethyst, Fluorite
Place on your forehead or third eye center.

7th Chakra – White – Quartz, Selenite
Place above your head.


This is just a basic rundown of the 7 Chakra system and the healing crystals & stones you can use to heal, balance and align your energetic body.

Click here if you’d like to purchase our 7 Stone Chakra Set with Green Aventurine

Click here if you’d like to purchase our 7 Stone Chakra Set with Rose Quartz